C Programming
Computer Programming

C Programming on String

C Programming

» Write a program in C to Find the length of a String
» Write a program in C to Concatenate two strings
» Write a program in C to Copy a String
» Write a program in C to Reverse a string using recursion
» Write a program in C to Compare two string
» Write a program in C to Find the number of vowels consonants digits & white spaces
» Write a program in C to Find the frequency of a character in a string
» Write a program in C to Convert an Integer to Character up to 4 digits
» Write a program in C to Remove all characters in a string except alphabets
» Write a program in C to Sort elements in the lexicographical order
» Write a program in C to Convert uppercase string to lowercase string
» Write a program in C to Convert lowercase string to uppercase string
» Write a program in C to Find the length of string using strlen() function
» Write a program in C to Concatenation two string using strcat() function
» Write a program in C to Appends specified number of characters using strncat() function
» Write a program in C to Copies one string to another string using strcpy() function
» Write a program in C to Copies only the specified number of characters using strncpy() function
» Write a program in C to Searches the occurrence of a specified character using strchr() function
» Write a program in C to Searches the last occurrence of the specified character using strrchr() function
» Write a program in C to Searches specified string using strspn() function
» Write a program in C to Searches the given string using strstr() function
» Write a program in C to Returns from beginning till the first matched character using strcspn() function
» Write a program in C to compares two strings using strcmp() function
» Write a program in C to comparison is limited to the number of characters using strncmp() function
» Write a program in C to compares two strings and returns an integer number using strcoll() function