One of the turning points in the history of modern scientific developments has been the invention and use of computers. The birth of the computer can be traced to the work of a Scottish mathematician John Napier. In the period between 1800 to 1950 a number of different developments took place. Each of them contributed to one or more of the features found in almost any computer built since 1950.
In today's situation computer awareness is a part of basic grounding and fundamental education. Without computer education, it is difficult to think of a successful career. Computers are used in all fields and in all types of indus¬tries. Computers are widely used in hospitals, production, designing and in the field of mass communication. AU this means lakhs of exciting new jobs.
Computers have given a new work culture to modern man. It has made inroads in almost all the areas of human activity. In business it has taken over most of the clerical work like calculations, preparation of pay bills, account books etc. Similarly heavy industries are using computers in a big way now a days for operational controls. The medical profession has benefited immensely for an computers, heartbeat, pulse rate & pathological tests have reached new standard of accuracy. There is no field of human activity that has remained unaffected by the use of computers.
Networking is the latest development in the field of computers. A network is a system where computers are electronically linked to one an other through a cable or a satellite. At the tap of a keyboard one can get a whole lot of information on retail data outlets. The very important areas of networking are E-mail, E-commerce, video text, tele conferencing etc.
Television has both audio and video facility but there is hardly any element of inactivity. The special feature of this new technology is interaction or inac¬tivity. Multimedia attempts a harmonious integration of video, audio, text and graphics for greater impact. This is the latest and most exciting concept.
Computers are mixed blessing in the context of Indian conditions. India needs labour intensive technique whereas computers have compounded our unemployment problems. Much of the existing staff in offices, banks and industries has been declared redundant. However computers will never replace man. There is no cause for concern. Human brain will ever remain a super computer. Computer is not in a position to create an idea by itself. In this field human brain will ever remain supreme. Computers are nothing but creation of man. They are just a valuable friend of tiring human brain. No doubt computers have revolutionized the life of man. Unlike other inventions and discoveries it should not be allowed to vitiate human life on this planet. Man's efforts, therefore, should be directed towards utilizing the tremendous oppor¬tunities offered by computers.
The computer industry has given rise to its own services in the Industry. Computer services range from data centres to computer maintenance and manufacturing. Computers have offered vast career prospects both in Hard¬ware and Software sectors. Education in computers and their use in almost every field have offered vast opportunities for improvement in information technology field as well. According to statistics the computer industry in India has been growing at the rate of 40 percent per annum. Indians have already made a mark in international computer technology. They offer very strong challenge to the competitors from other countries. There is no reason why India should not get a large piece of the software cake in international markets.