C Programming Tutorial
Computer Tutorial

File Operations

File Operations

There are different operations that can be carried out on a file. These are :

1. Creation of a new file
2. Opening an existing file
3. Reading from a file
4. Writing to a file
5. Moving to a specific location in a file (seeking)
6. Closing a file

Let us now write a program to read a file and display its contents on the screen. We will first list the program and show what it does, and then dissect it line by line.

Program to Display contents of a file on screen.

\* C Program to Display contents of a file on screen *\

# include < stdio.h >
int   main( )

FILE   *fp  ;
char   ch  ;
fp =   fopen(" File.c ",  " r ") ;
while (  1 )

fp = fgetc ( fp ) ;
if (  ch == EOF )
break ;
printf(" %c ",  ch) ;

fclose(fp) ;
return ( 0 ) ;


Output :

On execution of this program it displays the contents of the file ‘File.c’ on the screen.