Basic Linux Tutorial
Computer Tutorial

Basic Linux Tutorial

Computer Tutorial

Introduction to Linux, Linux distributions, Advantages of Linux and Difference between Linux and Windows

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Linux File System, Linux File System Structure, The Root Directory, Binary Directory, Data Directories, Memory Directories

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Basic Linux Commands, Login Related Commands, General Orientation Commands

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File Managing Commands, Working with Directories, Working with Files, Working with Files & Filter Commands

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File Permissions & Access, Ownership of Linux files, Changing file permissions, Changing Owners and Groups

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Standard Redirection, Standard Output Redirection, Standard Input Redirection, Standard Error Redirection

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Linux piping, The T-Junction & Redirection & Piping

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Linux Services Related Commands, Process Control Commands, Offline File Storage Commands

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Modes Used in Vi Editor, Starting and Stopping Vi, Cursor Movement in Vi Editor, Inserting and Deleting Text, Importing and Exporting Text

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Introduction, Variable in Shell Scripting, The shift Command, The read Command, The read Command, The echo Command

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The test Command, The if-then-fi Structure, The if-then-else-fi Structure and The case Structure

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The let command, The while-do-done Loop, The until-do-done Loop and The for-do-done Loop

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