The tar command archives the tape file. It saves and restores files onto magnetic tape. Its function is controlled by its first argument called the key argument.
$ tar -key [f device_file] [file. . .]
Create an archive:
$ tar –cv f /dev/rmt/0m myfile
Get a table of contents from the archive :
$ tar -tv f /dev/rmt/0m
Extract a file from the archive :
$ tar –xv f /dev/rmt/0m myfile
the nohup command to make commands immune to hanging up and logging off. The nohup command is one of a group of commands which precede another command.
nohup command line &
nohup cat * > bigfile &
c A new archive is created.
x Files are extracted from the archive.
t A table of contents of the archive is printed.
r Files are added to the end of the archive.
u Files are added to the archive if they are new or modified.
v Echoes filenames to screen as they are archived or restored - verbose.
This command makes archive copies of files and directories in HP-UX. cpio stands for copy input to output.
cpio has two modes:
-o Make a backup. Read standard input, and copy each file to standard output.
-i Restore a backup. Read standard input for the backup data, and recreate it on the disk.
When creating backups, the cpio -o command uses standard input as its source of file names and standard output as the archive output.
When restoring an archive, the cpio -i command will read the archive from standard input (the tape special device file) and restore the file contents to your disk.
cpio -o[cvx] Generate an archive.
cpio -i[cdmtuvx] Restore from an archive.
Create an archive of all files under current directory :
$ find | cpio -ocv /dev/rmt/0m
Restore all files from an archive :
$ cpio -icdmv < /dev/rmt/0m