Word Formation

General English

word formation refers to the ways in which new words are made on the basis of other words or morphemes.

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Conversion refers to the process of changing or converting the class of a word without changing its form.

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the most commonly misspelt words in English and at least , on my point of view , are soldier

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A contranym or contronym is a word which has two or more generally accepted meanings in the English language

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Heteronyms are also a type of Homograph. They are words that are spelled the same but differ in meaning and pronunciation.

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A palindrome is a word or sentence that reads the same forward as it does backward.

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A pangram is a sentence that contains all letters of the alphabet. Such sentences are also called holalphabetic sentences.

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A homograph is a “word of the same written form as another but of a different origin and meaning.”

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A group term denotes a sum, and the atoms dominated by that sum are taken to be the members of the group.

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Use of Words for Related pairs, Specific Use Like used in good & bad sense and used in different parts speech

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Word used for Animals Males, Females, Young’s and Group Terms with Collective Names of Animals

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