Words used Different Parts of Speech

Words used Different Parts of Speech

The grammatical character of a word can be determined by its use in a sentence. It is difficult to say whether a particular word is a noun or a verb. Only by study the use and position of the word in a sentence we can say that it is used as noun or pronoun or as verb or as an adjective or an adverb. We are giving below some of the important words which are used as different parts of speech in the sentences. A careful study of the use of these words will help the students in increasing their grammatical knowledge of words and their uses.

Words used Different Parts of Speech

All Noun All is well that ends well.
Adjective All men are mortal.
Adverb They are now alright.
Pronoun All were in favour of the motion.
Any Pronoun Do any of you know anything about her temperament ?
Adjective Take any magazine that you like.
Adverb We must take lunch before doing any other work.
As Pronoun He is not such a good man as looks.
Adverb She wrote as fast as she could.
Conjunction As he was poor so I helped him.
About Adverb She wandered about in inner garments.
Preposition There is nothing pleasing about her gait.
Above Noun The blessings came from above.
Adverb The Gods live above in heaven.
Preposition The sun was above our head at that time.
After Adverb She arrived soon after.
Conjunction She went away after her husband had left.
Preposition He looks after his mother.
Noun Age is more important than the physical fitness.
Verb He is aging, my dear.
Arm Noun He received a serious wound in his right arm.
Verb Border people were asked to arm themselves with weapons.
Before Adverb I have not met you before.
Conjunction She went away before he came.
Better Noun Give place to your betters.
Adjective I think yours is a better pen.
Verb Let us first better our financial position.
Adverb You are working better today.
Both Pronoun Both of them have gone.
Adjective You cannot make it both ways.
Conjunction Both the cashier and the clerk are on tour.
But Pronoun There is no one, but praise her.
Adverb It is, but a natural consequence.
Conjunction He tried hard, but failed.
Back Noun She carried the load on his back.
Verb Do not back false friends.
Book Noun He is writing a book.
Verb Please book a cycle for Kota through this train.
Bare Adjective He has bare feet.
Adverb He walked bare feet.
Verb Bare your arm.
By Adverb Time passes by.
Preposition He was much loved by his wife.
Close Noun The meeting came to a close at 5 p.m.
Adjective They are very close friends.
Verb The school will close tomorrow.
Adverb Both walked close to each other.
Calm Noun The calm of mind, is in fact required.
Adjective Today the weather is very calm and quiet.
Verb First calm yourself and then write your report.
Cold Noun Wear the woollen clothes lest you should catch cold.
Adjective It is very cold today.
Court Noun Ramesh was summoned to the court of law.
Verb He courted her all the week.
Cane Noun This is a beautiful cane.
Verb He was caned publicly by the teacher.
Cut Noun I do not like the cut of your hair.
Verb Cut the paper in desired sizes.
Cover Noun Put a cover on your copy.
Verb Cover your head lest you should catch cold.
Down Noun He has seen the ups and downs of life.
Adjective The man was thrown from the down train.
Verb Down with dowry.
Preposition The engine came rushing down the hill very fast.
Deep Noun She fell down into the deep.
Adjective It is a very deep river.
Adverb My pen fell deep into the tank.
Drive Noun My brother has gone out for a drive.
Verb You are driving very fast.
Date Noun His date of birth is 26th April.
Verb The Vikram era dates from 57 B.C.
Either Pronoun Ask either of them to bring a pen.
Adjective Either pen is good enough.
Conjunction He must either work or take rest.
Enough Adjective There is enough time to go there.
Adverb He knows well enough what she mean to say.

Even Adjective The chances of winning the game are even.
Verb Let them even the field first.
Adverb He cannot even see me.
Else Adjective He brought something else for her.
Adverb We should look anywhere else.
Conjunction Walk fast, else you should miss the bus.
Eye Noun He has one eye only.
Verb The policeman eyed him with suspicion.
Elder Noun We must show respect to our elders.
Adjective He is my elder brother.
For Conjunction We should help him because he is very poor.
Preposition I was looking for her.
Fast Noun He keeps fast on Tuesday.
Adjective He is a very fast today.
Verb He fasted for a week.
Adverb He ran so fast to win the race.
Free Adjective We are citizens of a free country.
Verb Let us free ourselves from social bondage .
Fix Noun He was in a terrible fix .
Verb Fix some other date for our marriage.
Face Noun There are red pimples on her face.
Verb He faced the situation with courage.
Fool Noun He is a fool to behave like that.
Verb He cannot fool me now.
Fish Noun Whale is a kind of large fish.
Verb Do not try to fish in troubled water.
Half Noun One half of this task is completed.
Adjective Half hearted man do not succeed.
Adverb She was half dead with fear.
Help Noun His timely help saved him.
Verb God help those who help themselves.
Hand Noun A bird in hand is better than two in the bush.
Verb The postman handed him two parcels.
Head Noun She was wearing a large and beautiful hat .
Verb He headed the list of successful students.
Less Noun She won’t be happy with less.
Adjective He paid less attention to sports and more to studies.
Adverb The soil of her garden is less fertile than that of yours.
Like Noun You cannot see her like again.
Adjective They are man of like physic and stature.
Verb I like to take some fruit after dinner.
Light Noun There is no light in the room.
Adjective It is not a light matter.
Verb Light the candle, please.
Love Noun I have great love for her.
Adjective She does not like love stories.
Verb I love you.
Laugh Noun She raised many a laugh at his cost.
Verb Do not laugh at the poor .
Much Adjective He has wasted much time.
Adverb I am much annoyed with you.
More Adjective He wants more workers like you.
Adverb You must talk less and work more.
Meek Noun God helps the meek and gentle.
Adjective She is quite meek.
Master Noun She was my master in all matters.
Adjective He conceived a master plan.
Verb She has mastered this book.
Move Noun This army is on the move.
Verb Let us move to some other hotel.
Make Noun What is the make of your T.V. ?
Verb Do not make a noise.
Near Adjective He is my near relative.
Verb We are nearing the end of the project.
Adverb Come near and listen to me.
Preposition His house is near the temple.
Needs Noun My needs are few.
Verb It needs great care.
Neither Pronoun Neither of them can be relied.
Adjective Neither charge is true.
Conjunction Neither he nor his brother was present there.
No Noun His answer was a perfect no.
Adjective It is no joke.
Verb She is no more with me.
Next Adjective I shall see you next Monday.
Adverb What next ?
Preposition He was sitting next to her.
Number Noun Put it on the tenth number.
Verb His days are now numbered.
Once Noun Let me see her for once.
Adverb I was young once.
Conjunction Once you hesitate, you are dead.
One Noun The little one cried for joy.
Pronoun One would think he was mad.
Adjective One day, I met her in a function.
Only Adjective It was his only chance.
Adverb He was only foolish.
Over Noun In first over, he took three wickets.
Adverb Read it over carefully.
Preposition Last year, a chance came over to him again.
Off Adjective Ramesh picked the horse’s off nail.
Adverb He is falling off.
Preposition The rider fell off the bike.
Open Adjective This is an open letter.
Verb Please open the door.
Poor Noun The rich should help the poor.
Adjective He is a poor man.
Pocket Noun I have two rupees in my pocket.
Verb He pocketed the insult patiently.