Specific use of Words

Specific use of Words

Sl. No Words Meaning Used in Sentance
1. Abstain from a thing One should abstain from sex without condom.
Refrain from doing One should refrain from making unwarranted comments.
2. Revenge to return injury for injury She revenged herself upon Ramesh, her former lover.
Avenged to punish the evil doers He has devoted the past three years to avenging his daughter’s death.
3. Allow giving permission for otherwise unreasonable thing The girls were allowed to talk in the class by the Principal.
Permit to give a positive assent I was permitted to appear in the M.A. examination.
4. Anger a sudden feeling of unhappiness The people showed great anger at the news.
Resentment more lasting feeling of unhappiness My words could not lessen her resentment.
5. Atain to get by labour We attained a high degree of success through quality management.
Acquire to have something permanently The students of this section have acquired a thorough knowledge of Naturopathy.
6. Ancient opposite to modern We can learn a lot by the events of ancient history of India.
Old opposed to new and to young The old dressing pattern is liked by the people even today. Old people prefer simplicity to show.
7. Astonishment extreme surprise with some perplexity or confusion I was astonished to see him driving a two wheeler.
Surprise arising on the occurence of something unexfrcted for failure in the examination has surprised everyone.
8. Admit to acknowledge as true He didn’t admit that he was present in the house.
Confess to acknowledge responsibility or guilt He confessed that he had stolen the bike.
9. Anger sudden feeling He showed great anger on his sudden departure from the party.
Resentment more lasting feeling Your assurances cannot lessen his resentment.
10. Reply to a letter He always replies in time.
Answer to a question Answer only five questions.
11. Ability Intellectual quality He is promoted on the basis of his ability to perform in a better way.
Capacity capable to hold or achieve His capacity to work, regularly is praiseworthy.
12. Surprise when something unexpected happens He was surprised to see the result.
Astonishment extreme surprise I was astonished to see my ex-peon maintaining a car.
Wonder surprise with admiration I wondered at his securing first position at all India level.
13. Bravery in the blood The bravery of Rajputs is well known.
Courage in mind He has the courage to speak the truth.
Valour a quality more than bravery or courage The black commandoes are known for their deeds of valour.
Daring rashn He is daring, but not prudent.
Boldness a shortlived quality He showed his boldness in catching the robber single handed.
.14 Battle a contest between two opposing armies The third battle of Panipat was the last nail in the coffin of the Mughal Empire.
War a series of contests continued for a long time The World War I and II saw the pinnacle of inhumane face of the weapons made by the men.
15. Begin used on all occasions The sooner you begin the better it is.
Commence used only in official and formal language The examinations will commence on the 25th of May.
16. Beautiful used for girls She is a beautiful girl.
Handsome used for man He is a handsome boy.
17. Custom relates to community or society Wearing kumkum after marriage is a custom among the Hindus.
Habit relates to individual Smoking is a bad habit.
18. Crime against law of the state Theft is a crime.
Sin against law of religion or society Abusing elders is a sin.
19. Ceiling inner portion of roof I want to purchase one ceiling fan.
Roof upper covering of house They are playing at the roof of their house.
20. Cite is used for things or persons He cited the authority of the Supreme Court Judgement.
Quote is used for things only He quoted passage after passage from Geeta.
21. Compulsion is physical, what is generally against our wishes He was compelled by the court to be present on the next date of hearing.
Obligation is moral; what is imposed on us as a duty We are obliged to maintain those who depend on us.
22. Confer conferring is an act of authority The government confers titles like Bharat Ratna, Padma Bhushan etc. on eminent persons.
Bestow an act of generosity/charity Many presents were bestowed on the refugees.
23. Character mental or moral nature A man of character overcomes all temptations.
Conduct one’s actions None can blame you if your conduct is good.
24. Contentment inner satisfaction when nothing more is required Actual happiness consists in contentment.
Satisfaction fulfillment of one’s desire She completed the preparations to my entire satisfaction.
25. Contagious disease spread by contact Small pox is a contagious disease.
Infectious disease spread through air or mosquitoes Malaria is an infectious disease.
26. Cool pleasant feeling A cool wind is blowing.
Cold unpleasant feeling Weather is very cold today.
27. Defend against an attack Indian army is capable to defend the nation against any attack.
Protect relates to an approaching injury Woollen clothes protect us from cold.
28. Deny relates to a past a action He denied his involvement in the murder.
Refuse relates to a future action He refused to lend me any money.
29. Doubt a negative feeling I doubt his loyalty (I think that he is not loyal.)
Suspect a positive feeling I suspect his involvement in the crime. (I am thinking that he was not involvement.)
30. Discover relates to thing already in existence A new star was discovered by him.
Invent a new thing is created Who invented telephone?
31. Drown relates to living beings Many persons drowned in this river last year.
Sink relates to things A ship dashed against this rock and sank last year.
32. Wish used in reference to a remote thing I wish, I were a king!
Desire used in reference to achievable things I desire to have a beautiful house and a name in the society.
33. Want relates to a thing, which is absent I want to buy a car.
Need relates to necessary things I need a pen to write with.
Require to demand You are required to attend the meeting.
34. Envy bad feeling He is envious of his friend’s prosperity.
Jealousy positive feeling of possessing something I am jealous of our ancestral heritage.
35. Sufficient necessary for Two persons are sufficient for this job.
Enough more than necessary I have enough money for the education of my children.
36. Accident an unexpected happening Train accidents have become common now-a-days.
Incident an ordinary occurrence Our newspapers are full of daily incidents.
Event an important happening The third battle of Panipat was an important event in the history of India.
37. Notorious in bad sense He is a notorious cheat.
Famous in good sense NewYork is famous for multi-storeyed buildings.
Renowned high reputation Shakespeare was a renowned dramatist.
38. Excuse courteously used for trifle matters Please excuse me for troubling you at this time.
Forgive used for comparatively big offences Please forgive me for my speaking ill about your friend.
Pardon generally used for asking repetition of something I beg your pardon (Please repeat, I was unable to understand earlier.
39. Freedom implies absence of restraint We enjoy several kinds of freedom.
Liberty implies previous restraint The prisoners were set at liberty.
40. Falsehood something said or done with wrong intentions He was guilty of falsehood when he spoke against the character of the Chairman.
Lie speak untrue words Never tell a lie.
41. House refer to a dwelling unit I am going to purchase a new house.
Home place to live with family association Men make houses, women make homes.
42. Listen to hear attentively The teacher asked the students to listen.
Hear to get through ears I am hearing your voice.
43. Hope is used when what we anticipate is welcome I hope to get selected this time.
Expect is used when what we anticipate is certain whether welcome or not Every student is expected to carry out the instructions given in the notes.
44. Hardly refers to degree You can hardly imagine how much I suffered because of her allegation.
Scarcely refers to quantity Don’t ask me for milk, I have scarcely enough for my own use.
45. Idle having nothing to do, due to circumstances He has been sitting idle due to great slump in the market.
Lazy habit of not doing things in active manner He is too lazy to reply letters.
46. Sick mental feeling He is a sick man.
Ill out of health She is ill now-a-days.
47. Libel written His statement in the press release amounts to libel.
Slander spoken His public speech was taken note of and an action for slander is being initiated.

Sl. No Words Meaning Used in Sentance
48. Oral spoken words He was failed in oral examination.
Verbal written words Teachers were abused verbally and assaulted physically.
49. Presume pre decision of a thing I presume he is responsible for the loss in business.
Assume assuming anything true I assume he will help you in case of need.
50. Place to put Place the keys on the chair.
Keep o put at some defined place Keep the books on the table.
51. Possible can be done It is not possible to reach there by car.
Probable likely to happen It is probable that she may agree with our proposal.
52. Blunder a gross mistake Disclosing business secrets to the rivals is a blunder on your part.
Mistake small act It is a mistake to go on leave without taking prior permission.
Error doing things against the recognise norms Your essay is full of grammatical errors.
53. Praise for actions His actions are praiseworthy.
Admire for qualities Everybody admires him for his benevolent nature.
54. Prohibit has force of law The government has prohibited the cow slaughter.
Forbid relating to personal life Forbidden fruits are more sweet.
55. Recollect remember after some efforts Can you recollect what exact words did he use?
Remember having in memory I remember his words well.
56. Regret for a thing done or left undone I felt regret for not completing the job in time.
Sorrow for big harm or evil Her husband’s death caused her deep sorrow.
57. Redress to correct something wrong A victim looks to the court for redress.
Relief feeling happiness because something wrong did not happen I breathed a sigh of relief.
58. Rob to take away by force He was robbed of his money and jewellery.
Steal to take away secretly The thieves stole away all the goods of my house last Sunday.
59. Talk speaking with others I want to talk to him in this matter.
Tell to inform He tells me to wear neat dress.
Speak to say in ordinary way He speaks loudly.
Say to assert How did you say so ?
60. Seem something assumed by our mind The moon seems moving very fast.
Appear impression of objects on us The statue appears to be of ancient time.
61. See in an ordinary way I can see that house.
Look see with some attention Look at that house.
Watch to observe closely Keep a watch on that house.
Scenery a view of landscape The scenery of Manali is indeed beautiful.
Scene a place of any happening, a landscape He captured many beautiful scenes in his camera.
63. Treaty a written or formal arrangement India and the USA have signed a treaty .
Truce a temporary suspension of conflict On new year eve there was a truce between the fighting militant groups.
64. Trifling ‘no importance’ matter, She never neglects even a trifling matter.
Trivial ‘a small matter, no seriousness Do not waste your time on trivial details.
65. Trade small or large scale buying selling; it can be within or out of the country India has a long history of trade with USA.
Commerce on a large scale; generally with foreign countries They have made their fortune from industry and commerce.
66. Empty having nothing in it The briefcase is empty.
Vacant having some occupancy Only one berth is vacant in this compartment.