In 1997 Dr. Alan Colman cloned a sheep called Dolly. In a recent interview he has stated that he is against human cloning but for different reasons. He is concerned about safety issues because for cloning one has to experiment a number of times on human foetuses. He admitted that when he cloned Dolly he had to discard four hundred foetuses before he could get it right. However, he stated frankly that human reproductive cloning is immoral and should not be done. Dr. Alan was accused of 'Playing God'. It is true that creation is an act of nature. Let us leave it to God alone. Instead of devoting our precious time and resources to human cloning, efforts should be made towards welfare of mankind. Research should be made with a purpose to make human life on earth comfortable and enjoyable. Man is already afflicted with dreaded diseases like AIDS and CANCER. In such conditions cloning is not desirable, leave alone the moral aspect of the question. Man has already used modern technology and science for unethical purposes. For example the practice of female infanticide is the direct outcome of ultrasound process. The use of science for the betterment of mankind is most welcome. Dr. Alan is right when he is concerned about safety issues. The idea of hundred abortions to clone a person is horrifying. It is, no doubt a scientific breakthrough but it should not lead to search for the race because nobody is perfect. Genetic engineering should be used for mitigating pain and sufferings. Living people alone can be cloned. It is impossible to clone the dead. There had been universal condemnation of the reported human cloning by the Clonaid Company. The Company claimed on 27 Dec. 2002 that a baby girl was cloned from her mother. But no further detail is forth coming. Most of the scientists do not believe that it has at all been done. According to them human cloning is not possible as experiments for several hundred times has to be carried out for achieving success. Whether human cloning is moral or desirable is not for the scientists to consider. Human cloning will take place anyway like the nuclear bomb. Yet one must not forget that cloning should not be misused.