Paragraphs Writing
Descriptive Writing

The uses of leisure

The uses of leisure

          Man has become very busy because he is always after material success. He has no time to stand and stare and think of the real significance of life. The cult of modern civilization is work. Wastage of a single minute is considered a crime. We have forgotten the uses of leisure. That is why modern man is a victim of neurosis, depression and hurry and worry. Today we always think of success. The idea of success is unlimited and so the time devoted to attain success is infinite. The result is that modern man is always under stress and strain, not releasing the value of leisure in daily life. He doesn’t devote time to self introspection and is always restless. Leisure in life is so important that it gives man time to plan things in calm and quiet manner. In fact aggressiveness and restlessness are the banes of modern civilization. One must know that without proper leisure success has no meaning. According to an American writer the Devil is the busiest creature in the world. The divine in man loses its significance. Success in life is measured in terms of money. The idea of success has made us selfish without moral and social obligations. The uses of leisure are many. We can devote leisure to humanitarian work. It leads to lasting peace of mind. Money can buy pleasure but not happiness and freedom from anxiety and strain. Leisure spreads sunshine in our lives and those of others. One can use leisure for mental and spiritual development. Therefore, one must spare some time for higher activities and creative mode of life.