In this materialistic age man is primarily concerned with the result. He must succeed by hook or crook. The criterian of success determines the status of man in society. In this context success has to be achieved at every cost. For a modern man success is his prime concern irrespective of the means he uses. Those days have gone when means were more valuable than the ends. Success was worth achieving only by noble means. Today the concept of morality or immorality has vanished. We have started looking upon our acts from amoral point of view. Nothing is moral or immoral. Expediency is the formula of success. The higher values of love, service and care have been said good bye. Money has to be earned and success is to be glorified at every cost. Everyone salutes the rich and the mighty. Man is respected not for his character but for the amount of money he has amassed. Nobody has a right to question the means we have adopted to earn money and status in life. In every city and town the criminals are roaming in the guise of philanthropists, politicians and industrialists. Both the state power and the muscle power do their bidding because they are mighty. However success achieved by unlawful means is no success. We must determine the character of man by the noble means he employs to achieve his ends.