Paragraphs Writing
Descriptive Writing

An ideal citizen

An ideal citizen

          An ideal citizen is difficult to define because one is not expected to be paragon of virtues. However one can define an ideal citizen as a person who is conscious of his duties towards the society and the country in which he lives. An ideal citizen is supposed to be kind and helpful to all and one who come into his contact. He should follow simple rules of public morality and do his job that is beneficial for all. A teacher is an ideal citizen if he is a true guide to the students. A doctor is an ideal citizen if he does not indulge in unethical practices. The duties of an ideal citizen are those of moral and social nature. He will prefer duties to his rights. He will give due consideration to the rights of others. If employed in a government job, a good citizen will look after the welfare of common men & women. He will be always ready to lend helping hand to those who need his help. Unfortunately men and women do not feel pride in helping the needy, the poor and the helpless. If all the citizens of a country start considering morality the chief good of life, the society will definitely be worth living. Social service should be the chief aim of an ideal citizen. As a government servant, professional or a business man an ideal citizen knows how to act morally. His acts are bound to spread sun-shine in the lives of those who come into his contact.