It is an age of science. Industrial progress is the symbol of modern civilization. In search of job and material comforts, men and women are migrating from villages to the cities. The lure of cities is very strong in the mind of the younger generation. They come out of village to study and would not go back to their homes. The result is that the cities are getting over crowded. Apartments are small. It is anonymous living where one is stranger to others. Neighbors do not come to help when help is needed. The anonymous living leads to many evils. The greatest harm is done by lack of social and moral control. Crimes are multiplied because there is no fear of social stigma. In a small town or city people are known to each other and share the joys and sorrows of one another. On the contrary, a life in a metropolitan apartment is dull and drab. There is no social commitment. People are almost neurotic. There is no laughter among the neighbors. The dwellers lead a lonely life. Consumerism is the cult of metropolitan city. This kind of life does not contribute to inner peace. The conflicting ways of life just become mechanical. Sympathy and emotional attachments are not known to a person living in metropolitan apartments. Even in the midst of material comforts one longs for halcyon days of one's childhood. In fact life in a city apartment is tiresome. One has no space to stretch his limbs and no fresh air to breathe freely. There is no greenery around and no laughter of children playing in the spacious grounds. Electricity and water supply add to the woes of apartment dwellers. A middle class family can not afford to hire even three room apartment. They have to manage life in one or two rooms. Those who migrate from villages and small towns knows the horrors of living in multistoried apartments.