Paragraphs Writing
Descriptive Writing

Do you agree to the teaching of Vedic rituals and astrology in modern India

Do you agree to the teaching of Vedic rituals and astrology in modern India

          Today we are getting farther and farther from our cultural roots. It is important for us to revive our cultural tradition. The courses on vedic rituals and astrology can help us understand the real meaning of religious activity. It is nice to have an understanding of one's religion and culture. There is nothing wrong with introducing such courses in our colleges. The Veda means knowledge. The Vedas are not religious books as is wrongly believed. They are a perfect guide to living. They are relevant in the modern age. Their teachings are related to every field. They teach how to stay healthy, how to avoid social evils and learn the essence of good behaviour. The vedic rituals are techniques for leading a harmonious life. AU scientific developments of the modern age have their roots in the Vedas. The introduction of such rituals is necessary to foster spiritual values in our children at the right age. They are wrong who believe that the study of the Vedas is at variance with modern education. It is not understood where the contradiction is. Vedic rituals and astrology have a high place in every Indian mind and heart. Science has been able to simplify the manual drudgery of physical and mental activities. AU the same it has miserably failed to provide and sustain happiness and peace of mind. The Vedas have always been there. The truths contained in them can not perish. The seeker of wisdom should not confuse spirituality with superstition and knowledge with blind tradition. In the name of modernization we should not dump our culture. Therefore, the decision of the UGC to introduce courses on vedic ritual and astrology is praise worthy. They donot contradict the development of scientific spirit in students. Let the computers do their own jobs because they do not interfere with the development of spiritual values. In the same manner the knowledge of the Vedas is not going to hinder the development for information technology.