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Are competitive examinations test of true ability

Are competitive examinations test of true ability

          Competitive examinations are held for the purpose of selecting suitable candidates for certain posts. In modern times when employment is the most burning problem, competitive exams are indispensable to select the most talented person suitable for the post. The utility of competitive exams cannot be denied because personal views about candidates is bound to suffer from subjective preferences and prejudices. AU the same, one can not say that the competitive exams are completely infallible for selection of suitable candidates. These exams are limited to testing a candidate's knowledge in certain subjects that bear no relevance to the post applied for. Moreover, written examination is not an index of candidates' administrative & mental attitudes. Success in the competitive examination is not at all a favorable reflection on the character of a candidate. His moral bent of mind, his qualities as public servant and ability to face the crises remain untested. Men with strong moral character and desire to serve humanity may not be able to qualify the written test. On the contrary a candidate not endowed with such qualities may perform well and qualify. It is quite possible that selective cramming material might easily bring success to him. It is worth noting that objective types of tests have brought the incompetent youth to the fore. The criterion of reservation also does not make competitive exams a suitable mode of selection. Knowledge gained through cramming is superficial and does not speak of one's real intellectual, moral and administrative attainments. Inspite of all this there is no escaping the fact that no other mode of selection can be a better substitute. Tell us if there is another. Interviews alone are based on only subjective approach. As such written examination followed by interviews appear to be the only viable mode of selecting suitable candidate^. However, favoritism and nepotism is an age- old problem. One must beware of these evils to make selection fair and impartial.