Discipline is indispensable necessity of life. Without discipline there is no law and order in a family, classroom, society and the country. Indiscipline is a state of lawlessness, where one does not regard the rights of others. Violence and crime are the manifestations of indiscipline among the members of society. Healthy and comfortable living in family depends on the quality of discipline which the members of a family maintain. The result is obvious. Happiness and prosperity in a family spring from disciplined life. Law and order are synonymous with discipline. In the absence of discipline no higher activity in the field of art and science is possible. Indiscipline leads to warring conditions, that are obstacle to organised living. One must bear in mind that the corner stone of modern civilization is discipline. Today mankind has reached the apex of civilization only because of disciplined way of life. Man evolved the concept of family, society, religion only for the sake of discipline. Right, and not might is the way of life. In barbaric society lack of law and order resulted in looting and plundering and disregard for human values of compassion and love. So one can say that without discipline, life is meaningless and a curse because it is discipline that teaches us to have regard for the right of others & knowledge of our duties towards every section of society. Without discipline life is a chaos. It is through discipline that we can meet with the challenge of anarchy.