Violence in a civilized society is quite a common feature the world over There is no denying the fact that the cause of all violence in civilized society is loss of faith in God and human values. This loss of faith has dehumanized man to such an-extent that he is ready to injure, maim and kill anybody. There are many: kinds of violence in the society. The violence is spreading widely in every area of society. There is violence in the form of civil war, bomb blasts, dacoity, rapes, murders, abduction etc.
The often heard crime and violence against women have risen in the last few years. Rapes, molestation, bride burning etc. have become a common feature of Indian society. There is rape in every 54 minutes and molestation every 26 minutes. Sexual harassment of women at all levels is on the increase. Since girls and women have started moving out, there are more chances of their becoming a victim.
The nature of violence in India amounts to the violence of uncivilized society. Regional violent movements, communal riots, violence by students, striking workers and militant activities of the terrorists are the main forms of violence. Regional movements in different parts of the country are on the rise. This kind of violence prevails in form of separatist movements in north east India. Naxalite movements and Bodo violence have given rise to increased incidents of violence. These movements pose a grave threat to our very survival.
Communal riots and ethnic violence have taken deep roots in Indian society. The whole nation is at the mercy of politicians for their selfish gains. They take advantage of religious sentiments of people to build up their vote banks. The rallies are held by the leaders to show their strength and might to the nation. This has given rise to religious fundamentalism and militancy.
Today our society is facing a new form of menace. It arises from criminal- politician nexus. It is hard to find a politician without a criminal link. This nexus has come to infect bureaucracy as well. In fact bureaucrats are always at the service of the politicians to gain their own interest. As a. result of this nexus
among criminals, politicians and bureaucrats, the failure of police force in controlling crime and violence in Indian society is inevitable.
Worst of all, there has been a rise in the activities of the terrorists .The killing of the minorities in Kashmir is a daily news. The terrorists try to terrorize the people by indulging in bomb blasts, killings and using very powerful weapon sent by Pakistan and China. Both Pakistan and China have formed a clandestine nexus to destroy the stability of the nation. It is high time we should realize that peace is very important for the economic prosperity of the people. There is no dearth of laws to deal with such antisocial elements. In fact there is a lack of political will and determination to eliminate such unlawful elements.