India's population is the second largest in the world, the first being that of China. We have already crossed one billion mark. At the current rate of growth we are likely to become 1.7 billion by 2024. Needless to say, this is a horrible scenario, perhaps more horrible than nuclear flare up. Population is the mother of all evils in our country. Poverty, diseases, violence, unemployment, pollution & corruption are some of the evils that are obstacles to our progress. No wonder, India has 16% of the world's population covering only 2.4% of the land area in the world.
Inspite of so many Programmes to control the problem India's share in the world population has increased to 16% from 15.2%. India is faced with a paradoxical situation. Birth rate has actually come down. According to 2001 census birth rate has fallen to 21.34% from 23.36% but this advantage has been neutralized by the fall in death rate. Hence the actual decline of growth rate of population comes to 2.52% during 1991-2001. Coupled with this life expectancy has also increased to 64 years.
The number of women in reproductive age and average age of marriage among women is also a potential factor in determining the birth rate in the country, Reproduction span for Indian ladies is almost about 35 years. Migration from neighboring countries has further aggravated the problem. In 1971 about 100 lakh refugees found their way into India. Linked with population problem there is an essential question of food supply. Capital and land availability have also come down. Largescale deforestation is now occurring at the rate of 15 million hectares. At this rate by 2050 India is expected to be a forestless country. The rising income of India gets itself distributed among the rising population. Over all increase in national income has no real impact on standard of living.
Economic development is closely related to the availability of energy resources. If each family uses two 40 watt electric bulbs, we shall have to put up new 250 megawatt power station every month. Increasing population increases the supply of man power. The economy at present is able to provide employ¬ment only to 34.6 million persons which is around 8% of the work force. This is the main cause of unemployment in the country.
Population explosion has had adverse effect in education sector. During the last six decades the number of schools, colleges, universities, hospitals and trains has doubled and tripled, yet the demand for more hospitals and trains is unending. How long can our country bear with such pressures? Increasing population has given rise to illiteracy, ignorance, violence and crime in society. This kind of society is perhaps the happy hunting ground for our wily politicians. AU these factors have given rise to nexus between politicians and criminals. The criminals are ruling the roost in the guise of politicians. The credulous voters are exploited in the name of reservation, secularism, regionalism and communalism.
In Feb 2000 the National population policy was adopted by Govt, of India. The long term objective is to achieve a stable population by 2045 at a level consistent with economic growth. A very significant step has been approved to freeze up to year 2026 the number of Lok Sabha representatives on the bases of 1971 census. Clinical approach adopted in 50s in an illiterate society has not proved effective. Therefore, education is the most potent instrument for putting a halt to the increase in population. We must realize that the crises is real and time is fast running out. Malthusian calamity in the form of war, famine or starvation deaths may sooner or later strike us. Countdown has already started.