The dismal performance of India at international sports events is really disappointing for every Indian. India is a large country with second largest population of the world. Naturally one question arises in our minds; what is wrong with our athletes and players? Is there anything wrong with our training or approach to the sports. Now it is high time we should realise the need of promotion of sports in our country. It is now or never.
Needless to say, that the development of sports should form an essential part of educational planning. 'Catch them young' is a slogan often taught but never practiced. Development of anything begins from gross roots. Therefore, various countries have adopted programmes right at school level. They have accepted sports as a way of life. The role of sports for the development of personality & for promoting national spirit is very important. Specially in India sports is the best vehicle for promoting national & emotional integration.
Sports form an important aspect of life. They play a vital role in bringing about physical and mental growth of the people. Sound mind in a sound body is at the core of the valuable contribution of sports to proper development of complete personality through sports. What we need today is men & women who possess strength of both muscle and mind. Physical and mental develop¬ment go hand in hand. In fact our education system does not encourage the development of sports at any level. Our college & universities are turning out frustrated young men and women. When they have completed their education they realize that they have been studying which is not helpful in making their future.
For the development of sports in India the sports authority of India has been constituted. They have also laid down the sports policy for the country. However, promotion of sports is needed at every level.
The central and state governments should preserve play fields and stadia where the young persons can find suitable open space for playing and physical education activities. Play fields, swimming pools, gymnasiums and indoor space should be made available to young men & women. Since 75% of our population lives in villages no programmes of promotion of sports can succeed without providing all these facilities in villages and small towns. But the most important step should be taken at school level for sports and physical educa¬tion. They should be made an integral part of education as a regular subject. It would not be wrong to suggest that sports as a separate faculty should be started.
We have already started many schemes for the development of sports in India. For example National sports talent context for the age group of 9 to 12 years is held. Government has set up sports hostel at state levels and scholarships are granted for promoting aptitude for sports in the youth of the country. They have started even pay and play schemes.
Inspite of all these schemes we have not achieved anything remarkable to attract talented young persons to sports. It is because there is a negative attitude of mind of parents towards sports. Funds spent on physical education & sports are very low compared to the total expenditure on education. As a matter of fact students who devote themselves to sports should feel security of job. Unhealthy politics is bane of Indian society. Sports should be free from politics and politicians. No politician should be appointed on the managing committees of sports Institutes. It is high time our educationists should make sports compul¬sory right from the primary classes. Our education system can not be perfect unless sports are given due status in schools, colleges, and universities.