Report Writing
Descriptive Writing

Report on Industrial Exhibition at Pragati Maidan

You are Sarla. You visited the Industrial Exhibition at Pragati Maidan. Your teacher has asked you to write a report for the school magazine

Industrial Exhibition at Pragati Maidan

New Delhi, 10th July, 2022 (Report by Miss Sarla)

A national level exhibition commenced at Pragati Maidan today, inaugurated by the Home Minister. On the inaguration the Home Minister said, “Exhibitions are the reflections of a country’s progress into and this exhibition is unique, in which all the States and the Union Territories are participating.” Every year many exhibitions and trade fairs are organised by the Governmental and Non- governmental Agencies. This year a specific industrial exhibition was held in Pragati Maidan. All the States participated in this exhibition. It attracted a throng of visitors from all over the country. It reflects that India has made an exemplary progress in the field of Industry. People could be seen in long queues before the different pavilions.

At the machinery section, one could not find a place to keep foot on. Agricultural implements of Punjab were in great demand. Hand made Galichas and dresses of Kashmir also attracted a lot of visitors. The pavilion of Rajasthan was also very interesting as it had very cheap and beautiful items of clay and mud. Some of the stall-keepers distributed hand-bills to the visitors. People were walking here and there in an enthusiastic mood. Small children were enjoying the merry-go-rounds, horse and camel rides. The refreshment corner was also full of hustle and bustle.