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Report on Bomb explosion

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Report on Bomb explosion
by - GN Admin

GeneralNote News Service
Sonipat, Jan 23, 2022
A mysterious explosion rocked Netaji Square on Monday morning, injuring at least ten persons and killing as many as two children. The toll is likely to rise. The damage caused to the shops in the main market of the town is yet to be correctly estimated. However, unofficial sources claim that loss in terms of money & goods may amount to lakhs of rupees.
The police have discounted any terrorist angle to the tragedy saying that the blast was caused by an Oxygen cylinder. It is a matter of concern that the blast has taken place just two days before the Republic Day celebrations. The police are a£ a loss to identify the cause in view of the statement given by a witness that the blast was triggered off by the hidden bomb in the dickey of a scooter. The theory is supported by the fact that a charred scooter was found near the site of the blast. Besides, Pearl Gas Agency just opposite the site of the blast remained unaffected. The shop keepers thank heavens that a major tragedy has been averted if the Gas Agency was singled out to trigger off the series of blasts in the area. It appears that blast was aimed at the Agency stocked with gas cylinders.

The SP told this correspondent that even though they had ruled out any subversive angle to the blast, they would begin a probe into the incident to establish any such possibility.
The condition of the injured persons admitted to District hospital is said to be improving.