Report Writing
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Report on Sale of new born babies

Write a report for your newspaper on Sale of new born babies

Report on Sale of new born babies
by - GN Admin

GeneralNote News Service
Aligarh Jan 28, 2022
A staff nurse pretending to be a doctor has been selling new born babies in the city. She adopted the modus operandi that continuously hood winked hospital authorities, However the police are trying to establish whether any doctor or hospital authorities were in collusion with her. Sheela Singh would deliver babies of poor or unwed mothers in her illegal clinic run in the heart of the town besides her employment in district hospital. She would sell them to childless couples at a price ranging from Rs. 20,000 to 40,000. The interrogation revealed that she had sold over 20 babies.
She had her contacts who would bring the women for delivery to her clinic. They would locate buyers for a child not wanted by the parents. She would make the foster mother stay at the clinic for about a week and then hand over a baby to her. She did it to provide a bonafide birth certificate and then discharged her. The police have also arrested the two touts operating for her.

On receiving information on telephone about Sheela Singh's nefarious activities, the police sent a decoy. While she was handing over the baby to the woman, she was caught red handed. The baby's mother made the statement, "The baby would go to a business man's house and would be treated well. We are poor and cannot afford to have the fourth daughter." She expressed her unawareness about the selling of the babies for monetary benefits. Sheela Singh revealed the names of the couples who had bought children from her. However, the police say that they have no plan to separate these children from their foster parents. When contacted, Sheela Singh admitted the sale of new born babies by her. At the same time she said that it was a humanitarian activity to help ladies to get rid of unwanted children and give them to childless couples. She did not understand what was wrong in this practice. As for money what ever she got, she got it as a gift for the help she was rendering to childless couples. However, the police have arrested her and sent her to lock up.