Report Writing
Descriptive Writing

Report on aircraft crashed near Delhi airport

You are a reporter from the Times of India News service. Being an eye witness to AN-52 aircraft, which crashed near Delhi airport. Draft a report of the crash.

New Delhi, 10th July, 2022 (By a staff reporter)

An Indian Air Force transport aircraft crashed near the upcoming Dwarka township in South-West Delhi on 21st Sept., killing 22 persons including all the 17 IAF officials and the pilot on board and injuring seven. The UK built AN-52 first hit electric wires strung across two poles, with one of its wheels breaking off after hitting a concrete structure. It burst into flames after hitting a ten-feet high boundary wall and finally crashed into an under construction DDA water tank.

As per one eye witness the pilot saved the residential area by slightly changing the direction of the plane, otherwise a huge loss to the lives and the property could have taken place. The accident took place at about 7:20 A.M. Besides the IAF Men, a 60 years old mason, two children of another mason and two passer by were also killed due to the burning fuselage of the aircraft. The aircrafts’ fuselage lay embedded in the water-tank with parts of its engine, wings, scattered on top of the structure. Broken wings of metal and the debris of the aircraft were spread over an area of around 500 meters around large stretches of vacant land. IAF sources said a court of inquiry has been constituted. The Government of Delhi has also ordered a judicial enquiry into the cause accident.