Report on Non use of crackers
Amav Sharma
Army Public School
Diwali is the most joyous and colorful festival of the year. It is a symbol of the victory of good over evil. The feeling of brotherhood and community celebrations are the very essence of this festival. At the same time it is a source of environmental pollution caused by the explosion of crackers.
This year it is a welcome departure when the children of schools took the pledge that they would not use crackers and display fire works. Two days before the festival the children undertook a march through the main roads and streets of the city under the inspiring leadership of the D.M., R.K. Avasthi and his wife who is an environmentalist The four hour long march had a tremendous effect not only on the older persons but also on the children who joined them in the march on the way. When the procession reached Gymkhana ground, every body present there, was administered pledge by Mrs. Aavasthi that the children would celebrate Diwali neat and clean. They will not explode the crackers from this Diwali onward. They will really make the occasion every year a festival of lights.
The next day the children displayed through their paintings in the news papers, the hand bills and during Diwali melas the perils of environmental and noise pollution resulting in discomfort both to the healthy and already sick persons. The awakening campaign started by the children is expected to go a long way in keeping Diwali celebration pollution free this time. Mr. Avasthi promised the children to take a round of the city at night along with their representatives to see for himself how far the people were influenced by their courageous step. He asked, the children to send their five representatives to his residence on the eve of Diwali.