Report Writing
Descriptive Writing

Report on Free education upto secondary level of every Indian Child

You participated in an inter-college debate competition as a contestant, organized by the Lions Club of your area, in which you spoke in favour of the motion and stood first. The topic for the debate was, “In the opinion of the house, free education upto secondary level should be the fundamental right of every Indian Child.” Write a report in not more than 120 words for publication in your college magazine

Free education upto secondary level should be the fundamental right of every Indian Child

New Delhi, 10th July, 2022 (From Rajdeep TDC IInd Yr. Sc.)

Yesterday an inter-college debate competition was organized by Lions Club in our college. Total twelve participants spoke in favour of the topic that free education upto the secondary level should be the fundamental right of every Indian child. Simultaneously twelve contestants spoke against the motion. Many college lecturers, students and parents were there to listen to the different ideas. I was also one of the contestants. I pleaded that without education a man is just like a devil who can disrupt the life of a nation.

It is the education that ennobles our souls and remove darkness from our minds. Education is a window that opens channels to achieve the highest learning. It joins us with the master minds of other nations, whose achievements can be made use of, in the best possible way. Getting education upto secondary level should be a Fundamental Right of every child of India. The government should see that every school going child must attend the school. It is the education that provides wisdom, wealth, prosperity and what not. The audience clapped time and again when I cited many examples supporting my contentions. When the result was declared, I was adjudged as the best contestant. The function was a grand success. Chief Guest, the District Collector, exhorted the president of the Lions Club to organise such type of competitions on regular basis, as such debate opens the minds of the students and make them a good citizen.