Report Writing
Descriptive Writing

Report on Cold wave

Write a report for your newspaper on Cold wave

Report on Cold wave
by - GN Admin

GeneralNote News Service
Lucknow, Jan 19, 2022
The cold wave in Northern India has claimed over 200 lives so far. Even the central and eastern India have not remained unaffected. The cold claimed 35 lives alone in Uttar Pradesh in the last 24 hours. Unofficially the cold related deaths have risen to over 30.
Icy winds have caused the minimum temperature to plunge to 3°C which is 5°C below normal. Kanpur and Allahabad experienced the coldest night in the last 12 years. The temperature dipped to 2°C. All schools in the region have been closed till Jan 29. Thick, dense fog has enveloped the state for the last 5 days bringing the day temperature down to 12°C. It is 8°C below normal. Normal life is thrown out of gear. The aeroplanes at the airports remained grounded/ few of the trains were cancelled and most of them ran behind schedule by many hours on account of dense fog.

There seems to be no immediate respite. The state meteorological department predicted that the fog would persist for many more days. Chilly winds are likely to sweep the region for some time more and cold wave is likely to intensify. The reports coming from Jammu, Punjab and Rajasthan tell the same tale.