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Report on Robbery in a house

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Report on Robbery in a house
by - GN Admin

GeneralNote News Service
Siroha, March 15, 2022
Dacoits intruded the house of a famous jeweller Ram Chauhan in the wee hours on Saturday and robbed him of about 2.2 lakh in cash, jewllery, a revolver and a mobile phone. The intruders were armed with edged weapons and sticks. They beat up the jeweller badly. When his wife tried to intervene, one of the dacoits hit her with the bullet of the revolver. Leaving both of them drenched in blood, they soon fled with the booty.
Ram Chauhan is said to be an influential person of the town. The police swung into action in no time. More than two dozens suspects have been rounded up by the police after the incident. No breakthrough has been achieved yet regarding the criminals.

There is panic in the area. Mr. Ram Chauhan, 60 is an influential leader of the ruling B.S.P. Many leaders including Mr. Bhanu Pratap, MP have visited the victims and asked the police to nab the criminals immediately. While talking to the Times of India, Ram Chauhan said that it was a providential escape for him and his wife. While dacoits were grappling with Ram Chauhan, the watchman rang the bell as a routine check. Fearing detection and arrest, the robbers fled through the back door of the house and disappeared under the cover of darkness with the booty. Police suspect the hand of the domestic help and artisans working for Ram Chauhan because Ram Chauhan had just received large amount of payment last evening which was known to those working in his shop. All of them have been taken into custody for interrogation.