Personal Letters
Descriptive Writing

Write a letter to the Director of the center Personality Point seeking necessary information about admission procedures for an eight week summer course in leadership

Write a letter to the Director of the center Personality Point seeking necessary information about admission procedures for an eight week summer course in leadership

F - 35, Jamia Nagar,
New Delhi,
August 10, 2019
Dear Director,
Personality Point,
I have heard a lot about your Centre in the field of helping young men and women in personality development. I have just completed B.A. (Hons.) English from Magadh University. Now I am interested in taking up career in marketing for which communication skill and personality development are indispensable qualifications.

I am preparing for CAT entrance test. Meanwhile I have time that I wish to devote to personality development. I would like to know that comprehensive details about that kind of training you impart to young persons in the field of personality development, I am keen on joining your institute for which I need to know about the admission procedure. In case you have some Brochure containing the information required by me, I would request you to send it to me for which I shall be highly obliged.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Vivek Mishra