Precis Writing on Democracy V/S Dictatorship

Make a precis of each of the following passages. Suggest a suitable title for your precis.

The ease with which democratic government has given way to authoritarian regime in one Asian country after another has made many persons ask in despair whether the parliamentary system based on the western model is suited to underdeveloped countries. People who do not know how to read and write, they argue, can hardly know how to vote. Popular elections often bring incompetent men to the top, they contend and the division of party spoils, breeds on corruption. What is worse, the system of perpetual party warfare obstructs the business of government.
They point to the dismal results of the last ten years. The pace of social and economic change has been far too slow and the governments in most of the under developed countries have failed to come to grips with the problems which face the people. What they say is, no doubt, true to some extent but it is pertinent to remember that every alternative to democracy while it, in no way, guarantees integrity or efficiency in the administration, lacks even the saving merits of regimes which are based on the suffrage of the people, leave it to the people to find out, by trial and error, who is their best friend. The people can peacefully get rid of a democratic government which has failed to keep its promise. They can overthrow a dictatorial regime only through a violent revolution. Those who feel sore over the ills from which democratic regime suffers should beware, therefore, of suggesting a cure which is likely to undermine the democratic structures of the state. The people can at least raise their voice in protest against the injustice of a democratic government; they can only suffer in silence the tyranny of a regime which is responsible to no one but itself.


Generally democracy is regarded to be unsuitable for underdeveloped countries. This fact is supported by the experience of failures of democratic government in these countries. The obvious reasons cited are illiteracy, election of inefficient leaders, internal dissensions, corruption and slow tempo of progress. Dictatorship is, therefore, considered a panacea for the ills of democracy. But dictators, the world over, have not been able to provide efficient and clean administration, For all the faults inherent in democracy, it provides for smooth . change over of government, thus replacing the inept administration without violence and bloodshed. Such a smooth change is foreign to autocratic regimes.