Sl. No. | Word / Correct Spelling | Spelling Tip | Use in a Sentence / Misspelling |
1. |
absence | -s-,-nce |
absense, abscence |
2. |
accommodate | This word can accommodate a double "c" and a double "m." |
I would like to accommodate his wishes. |
3. |
accommodate, accommodation | -cc-, -mm- |
accomodate, accomodation |
4. |
achieve | Remember "i" before 'e' except after 'c' |
He achieved all his dreams. |
5. |
acquire | I 'c' that you want to acquire it. |
The team acquired three new players this year. |
6. |
across | Let 'Ross' row across. |
Let's row the boat across the pond. |
7. |
address | Deliver the double 'd' to the right address. |
Make sure you have the right address before you send the package. |
8. |
advertise | The advert was revised. |
Madison Avenue knows it pays to advertise. |
9. |
advice | I 'c' that you gave me advice. |
Good 'advice' is as good as gold. |
10. |
aggressive | -gg- |
agressive |
11. |
among | A "monk" was among the worshipers. |
He was among the living. |
12. |
apparent | The ap ate with his parent. |
It's apparent that he made a mistake. |
13. |
apparently | -ent- |
apparantly |
14. |
appearance | -ance |
appearence |
15. |
argument | Gumbo lost an "e" in an argument. |
The two politicians got into a heated argument. |
16. |
assassination | -ss-, -ss- |
assasination |
17. |
athlete | Don't delete the 'l' in athlete. |
Tom Brady is one of the country's top athletes. |
18. |
awful | Something that is full of aw is always very bad. |
That food smelled awful. It must have spoiled in the fridge. |
19. |
balance | The bad man used a lance. |
Try to strike a balance between diet and exercise. |
20. |
basically | It's basic that I have an ALLY. |
He is basically dishonest. |
21. |
becoming | bees will be coming to flowers near you. |
The boy is quickly becoming a man. |
22. |
before | BEe went to the FORE when called upon. |
He'll be going away to college before you know it. |
23. |
beginning | Add an 'n' and 'ing' to begin to get beginning. |
In the beginning, there was the heaven and the Earth. |
24. |
believe | Do not believe a lie. |
I believe in magic. |
25. |
benefit | Bene is very FIT. |
The benefit raised quite a bit of money for charity. |
26. |
breathe | Take an extra 'e' when you breathe. |
I can't breathe; I need some air. |
27. |
brilliant | The brillo pad was giant. |
Einstein's theory of relativity was brilliant. |
28. |
business | The bus in the terminal was a mESS. |
It's not personal; it's just business. |
29. |
calendar | Dara checked the calendar every day. |
Look at the calendar to see what date Thanksgiving is on this year. |
30. |
careful | Careful not to add an extra 'l' to careful. |
Be careful when crossing the street. |
31. |
Caribbean | -r-, -bb- |
Carribean |
32. |
category | The cat's Ear is gory. |
When you play jeopardy, pick the right category. |
33. |
ceiling | Remember 'i' before 'e' except after 'c.' |
Do you know how to install a ceiling fan. |
34. |
cemetery | Eileen found herself at e's in the cemetery. |
Many horror stories take place in a cemetery. |
35. |
certain | He's Cerebral, so don't taint it. |
I'm certain I left my keys by the door. |
36. |
chief | Remember 'i' before 'e' except after 'c.' |
The chief of police just took over the job last month. |
37. |
citizen | Don't Cite It; practice zen. |
The good citizen 'votes'in every election. |
38. |
colleague | -ea- |
collegue |
39. |
coming | Coming is too short to have two 'm's.' |
I'll be coming home soon. |
40. |
committee | -mm-, -tt-, -ee- |
commitee |
41. |
competition | Come pet it, ion. |
The competition at the track meet was fierce. |
42. |
completely | -ely |
completly |
43. |
conscience | -sc- |
concience |
44. |
conscious | -sc- |
concious |
45. |
convenience | Remember "i" before 'e' except after 'c.' |
The convenience store opened at 7 a.m. |
46. |
copyright | -right |
copywrite |
47. |
criticize | There's no 's' in criticize. |
I don't mean to criticize, but you did the problem wrong. |
48. |
curiosity | -os- |
curiousity |
49. |
decide | Clide, remove the 'l' and spell decide. |
You need to decide which man to marry. |
50. |
definite | DEb had a finite spending limit. |
I'll need a definite answer today. |
51. |
definitely | -ite-, not, -ate- |
definately |
52. |
deposit | Deb posited that we deposit the money. |
Don't forgot to deposit the check at the bank. |
53. |
describe | Deb hired a Scribe. |
Please describe the man who attacked you. |
54. |
desperate | Des, Per your direction, rated it. |
I am desperate to find a new place to live. |
55. |
develop | Lop off the 'e' in develop. |
They used to develop film in a darkroom. |
56. |
difference | We differ about pence. |
What's the difference between pink and mauve? |
57. |
dilemma | Emma faced a dilemma. |
I'm in a terrible dilemma; I don't know what to do. |
58. |
disappear | It takes two "p's" but only one 's' to spell disappear. |
The boy just disappeared. I hope he wasn't kidnapped. |
59. |
disappoint | You have a point; add the second 'p' in disappoint. |
I hate to disappoint my mother. |
60. |
discipline | The disc is Perfectly in line. |
He is a believer in strong discipline. |
61. |
does | The doe sang. |
Does she want to come with us? |
62. |
during | Do bought a ring. |
It happened during the night. |
63. |
easily | The beast is lovely. |
My mom is so easily fooled. |
64. |
ecstasy | -sy |
ecstacy |
65. |
eight | There's an eight in height. |
"Eight Is Enough" was the name for a TV show. |
66. |
either | It is there. |
Either he goes, or I do. |
67. |
embarrass | It's hard to embarrass Really Righteous And Serious Students. |
I don't want to embarrass you, but your pants have a rip. |
68. |
environment | A new environment will iron me out. |
Many people are concerned about the environment. |
69. |
equipped | Emphatically, he quipped that he had the gear for the job. |
The plane is equipped with many of the modern luxuries and comforts. |
70. |
exaggerate | Goofy Greg loved to exaggerate. |
Don't exaggerate; the fish you caught was only three inches long. |
71. |
excellent | The exact cell is bent. |
The meal was excellent. |
72. |
except | My EX is Certain I'm inept. |
The student completed all the problems except the last one. |
73. |
exercise | I exert and I'm precise when I exercise. |
To lose weight, you need to eat nutritious foods and exercise. |
74. |
existence | I exist with mike pence. |
Many have debated the existence of an all-powerful being. |
75. |
expect | I met my ex in pe, what did you expect? |
What did you expect? |
76. |
experience | My ex said that per irv we'll invite mike pence. |
The trip was a great experience for the kids. |
77. |
experiment | Per my ex, I mentored him. |
Scientists perform many experiments to find the truth. |
78. |
explanation | My ex had a plan at the union. |
I think he deserves an honest explanation. |
79. |
familiar | That liar looks familiar. |
The surroundings look familiar, but I'm still lost. |
80. |
fascinating | It's "s" before "c" in fascinating. |
Mr. Spock found many things to be fascinating. |
81. |
finally | In the end, there are two "l's" in finally. |
He has finally arrived; now we can eat our Thanksgiving meal. |
82. |
fluorescent | fluor- |
florescent |
83. |
foreign | For eight, the Nation said they were foreign dignitaries. |
He grew up in a foreign country. |
84. |
forty | There's no "u" in forty. |
The punt return specialist ran the ball back forty yards. |
85. |
forward | FOR sam, he was a ward of the court. |
Be optimistic; always look forward. |
86. |
friend | Don't be a fiend; insert the 'r' in friend. |
He was a dedicated and loyal friend. |
87. |
fundamental | Fundamental is just fun, damen, and tal. |
We have fundamental differences of opinion. |
88. |
further | fur- |
futher |
89. |
gauge | -au- |
guage |
90. |
generally | Generally, a general is your best ally. |
The teacher was generally correct. |
91. |
glamorous | -mor- |
glamourous |
92. |
government | The Governor was demented. |
The government might shut down if the parties don't reach a deal. |
93. |
grammar | Gram didn't want to mar our grammar. |
I try, but my grammar is atrocious. |
94. |
grateful | grat- |
greatful |
95. |
guarantee | The guard and the teen guaranteed it. |
The car has a 100,000-mile guarantee. |
96. |
guard | gua- |
gaurd |
97. |
guidance | The Guide was in a trance because there's only one "e" in guidance. |
The guidance counselor advised the student not to attend college. |
98. |
happened | -ened |
happend |
99. |
happiness | Drop the "y" and replace it with an "i" to achieve happiness. |
Jefferson wrote that all people are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. |
100. |
harass, harassment | -r-, -ss |
harrass, harrassment |
101. |
heroes | He Roped an E for his heroes. |
World War II produced many heroes. |
102. |
honorary | -nor- |
honourary |
103. |
humorous | He Hums for the mouse. |
The author was very humorous. His books displayed great wit. |
104. |
identity | There is an 'ID' in identity. |
It's easy to have your identity stolen. |
105. |
imaginary | Imagine there's no heaven. It's eAsy if you tRY. |
The little girl had an imaginary friend. |
106. |
imitation | Don't imitate. There's only one "m" in imitation. |
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. |
107. |
immediately | Mom ate immediately. |
Come here immediately. |
Sl. No. | Word / Correct Spelling | Spelling Tip | Use in a Sentence / Misspelling |
108. |
incidentally | He incited by denting the car of his ally. |
Incidentally, I borrowed your car last night. |
109. |
independent | There is a dent in independent. |
The young man was very independent. |
110. |
intelligent | In telling the gent, he showed he was intelligent. |
She is extremely intelligent; she scored 1,600 on her SAT. |
111. |
interesting | The intern was best at showing he was interesting. |
This article is very interesting. |
112. |
interfere | The intern watered the fern, I see. |
Please do not interfere. |
113. |
interpretation | The intern pretended that station was near. |
The two had very different interpretations as to what happened. |
114. |
interrupt | -rr- |
interupt |
115. |
interruption | Don't interrupt: Interruption has two "r's." |
The interruption couldn't be helped; his wife was having a baby. |
116. |
invitation | Invitee me to offer a rationale. |
He received an invitation to the birthday party. |
117. |
irrelevant | Don't make the second 'r' in irrelevant irrelevant. And there's an "ant" at the end. |
The information he provided was irrelevant. |
118. |
irresistible | -ible |
irresistable |
119. |
irritable | It would irritate me if you forgot the second "r" in irritable, and set the table at the end. |
After the operation, she was very irritable. |
120. |
island | An island IS land surrounded by water. |
Hawaii is made up of a group of islands. |
121. |
jealous | Jean's a Louse to be jealous. |
He was jealous of her former lover. |
122. |
judgment | Unlike judge, there is no "e" after the "g" in judgment. |
He showed bad judgment by putting that story in the paper. |
123. |
knowledge | I know you can reach the ledge. |
How do you measure the sum of all knowledge? |
124. |
laboratory | I had to labor at oratory. |
The scientist labored away in her laboratory. |
125. |
length | Make it longer by putting a 'g' between the 'n' and 't' in length. |
He ran the kickoff return the length of the football field. |
126. |
lesson | Listen to the lesson, and spend less time on studying. |
The teacher gave a lesson on World War II. |
127. |
library | Take the liberty of putting two "r's" in library. |
You'll find many books in the library. |
128. |
license | To say he had lice is nonsense. |
That's not a license to steal. |
129. |
lightning | no'e |
lightening |
130. |
loneliness | The lone line did have SS at the end. |
Emily Dickenson suffered from great loneliness. |
131. |
losing | I like to hear to singers. |
Coach Vince Lombardi hated losing. |
132. |
lying, laying | Truthfully, there's a 'y' but no 'ie' in lying. |
I was lying on my back, while he was laying the book down. |
133. |
marriage | He married her in a carrIAGE. |
Their marriage is on the rocks. |
134. |
mathematics | MATH plus E equals mathematics. |
The professor was an expert in mathematics. |
135. |
medicine | Club med is at the cinema. |
All medical doctors practice medicine in one form or another. |
136. |
millennium, millennia | -ll-, -nn- |
millenium, millenia |
137. |
miniature | Mini a has no stature. |
Legoland has many miniature scenes built from the interlocking blocks. |
138. |
minute | Minute is minu and te. |
It only takes a minute. |
139. |
misspell | -ss- |
mispell |
140. |
mysterious | My sterio is for us. |
She was very mysterious. |
141. |
naturally | Nature has an ally. |
She is naturally blond. |
142. |
necessary | It's necessary to remember the cesspool in the middle. |
Is that really necessary? |
143. |
neighbor | The horse neighed at the boring man. |
My neighbor lends me his tools. |
144. |
neither | Nell Is there. |
It's neither here nor there to me. |
145. |
noticeable | The notice is able to help. |
His gray hair was very noticeable. |
146. |
occasion | It's an occasion to remember that occasion has two "c's" and one "s." |
Christmas is a special occasion. |
147. |
occurred | It occurred to him that there are two "c's" and two "r's" in occurred. |
It never occurred to her to change the light bulb. |
148. |
occurred, occurring | -cc-, -rr- |
occured, occuring |
149. |
occurrence | -cc-, -rr-, -ence |
occurance, occurence |
150. |
official | Old Frank Finklestein is cute In a loving way. |
It's official: He's now the president. |
151. |
often | Of mice and men there were ten. |
I don't come here very often. |
152. |
omission | Omit the second 'm' but not the second 's' in omission. |
Forgetting the wine was an omission on my part. |
153. |
operate | I hope to rate it. |
The doctor decided to operate. |
154. |
optimism | Let's hop with TIM into the schism. |
I have great optimism that better days are ahead. |
155. |
original | Origami is nal's favorite. |
His work wasn't very original. |
156. |
ought | Ought is 'bought' minus the 'b.' |
He ought to have told you. |
157. |
paid | Pa is done with work. |
When do you get paid? |
158. |
parallel | Two "l's" form parallel lines in parallel. |
Parallel parking can be difficult. |
159. |
particularly | Part Is in the curt with arly. |
His error was particularly egregious. |
160. |
peculiar | It's peculiar the Pecu is a liar. |
That bird is very peculiar. |
161. |
perceive | It's "i" before "e" except after "c." |
I perceive things differently from you. |
162. |
perform | per the directions they formed a line. |
Will the band perform tonight? |
163. |
permanent | The perm on the man cost just a cent. |
That change was permanent. |
164. |
persevere | Per the directions, he sereded it. |
The only way to succeed is to persevere. |
165. |
persistent | -ent |
persistant |
166. |
personally | The pweson was an ALLY. |
Personally, I don't like it. |
167. |
persuade | Pper the sun, he had it made. |
I tried to persuade him that he is wrong. |
168. |
Philippines | -l-, -pp- |
Phillipines |
169. |
picture | The PIC was taken at the right aperture. |
That's a beautiful picture. |
170. |
piece | Have a piece of the pie. |
He was eating a piece of chicken. |
171. |
planning | Plan to put two "n's" in planning. |
I was planning to come later. |
172. |
pleasant | He tried to please the ant. |
The visit has been very pleasant. |
173. |
political | The pol Is not ethical. |
Everything is so political these days. |
174. |
politician | -cian |
politican |
175. |
possess | Remember to possess two double "s's" in possess. |
You don't possess an ounce of dignity. |
176. |
possession | -ss-, -ss- |
posession |
177. |
possible | The Posse is blessed. |
It's not possible to get the assignment completed in time. |
178. |
practical | PRACTICe to replace the 'e' with 'AL' in practical. |
It's not practical to rely on magic. |
179. |
prefer | Prep the fern. |
I prefer orange juice to lemonade. |
180. |
preferred, preferring | -rr- |
prefered, prefering |
181. |
prejudice | Don't prehudge; think twice. |
The racist was full of prejudice. |
182. |
presence | The president chose pence. |
He made his presence known. |
183. |
privilege | Privilege is just privi with a leg and an E. |
It's been a privilege to meet you. |
184. |
probably | He handled the problem ably. |
I could probably meet for lunch next week. |
185. |
professional | The professor said there are two "s's" in professional, too. |
He was very professional in his conduct at work. |
186. |
promise | The prom date was a surprise. |
I will never promise you a rose garden. |
187. |
pronunciation | -nun- |
pronounciation |
188. |
proof | I have proof that there are two "o's" in proof. |
Einstein showed proof of his theory of relativity. |
189. |
psychology | Please Say You Can Hit Old Ladies, Or Get Yogurt. |
He practiced psychology for many years. |
190. |
publicly | -cly |
publically |
191. |
quantity | The quant Is tiny. |
That's a large quantity of grapes. |
192. |
quarter | The quartet is Ready. |
Four quarters make a dollar. |
193. |
quiet | Please keep quiet about my diet. |
Just be quiet! |
194. |
quit | Quiet lost its 'e' and became quit. |
No, I won't quit this job. |
195. |
quite | Quit added an 'e' and became quite. |
That's quite a statement you made. |
196. |
realize | The real man materialized. |
I didn't realize I was being so loud. |
197. |
really | -ll- |
realy |
198. |
receive | Remember 'i' before 'e' except after 'c.' |
It's better to give than to receive. |
199. |
recognize | Ryan Epping was cogent about having to organize. |
He was recognized for his bravery. |
200. |
recommend | I recommend you put two "m's" in recommend. |
I highly recommend the applicant. |
201. |
reference | Refer it to mike pence. |
I'd be happy to serve as a reference. |
202. |
referred, referring | -rr- |
refered, refering |
203. |
religious | Religate the task to the pious man. |
There's a great divide between religious and nonreligious people. |
204. |
remember | -mem- |
rember, remeber |
205. |
repetition | Repeat it In unison. |
Repetition is the best way to learn. |
206. |
resistance | -ance |
resistence |
207. |
restaurant | Rest before you and your aunt start to rant.. |
He ran a very clean restaurant. |
208. |
rhythm | Rhythm Helps Your Two Hips Move. |
Dance to the rhythm of the night. |
209. |
ridiculous | Rid the Island of curious LOUSes. |
Your crazy plan is just ridiculous. |
210. |
sacrifice | Use the sack to rid the office of mice. |
It was a great sacrifice for me to come here. |
211. |
safety | Safely add 'ty' to safe to get safety. |
He needs to heed the safety rules. |
212. |
scissors | Steve Cut Into the Seven Samurai on Orders from Rick Smith. |
Never run with scissors. |
213. |
secretary | Just add 'ary' to secret to get secretary. |
The secretary is very quick at taking dictation. |
214. |
sense | -se |
sence |
215. |
separate | There's a rat in separate. |
There are separate doors at the front and back of the house. |
216. |
shining | Marty hurt his shin chopping wood. |
The sun was shining brightly. |
217. |
similar | Simi valley has a lot of lard. |
The two theories are very similar. |
218. |
sincerely | Pair since and rely to get sincerely. |
Generally, end a letter by saying 'sincerely.' |
219. |
soldier | Sam Ordered Larry to die Respectfully for his country. |
The soldier died in battle. |
220. |
speech | Draw it out: Put two "e's" in speech. |
Martin Luther King Jr. gave a memorable speech in Washington. |
221. |
stopping | Stop and hear the ping. |
We'll be stopping at the store on the way home. |
222. |
strength | Schwarzenegger Trained really Nicely at Gold's gym on the highway. |
The athlete showed great strength and agility. |
223. |
studying | Just add 'ing' to study to get studying. |
I've been up all night studying. |
224. |
succeed | To succeed requires two "c's" and two "e's." |
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. |
225. |
successful | Be successful: Put two "c's" and two "s's" in successful. |
The businesswoman is very successful. |
226. |
surely | Sure, just add 'ly' to get surely. |
Surely you don't believe that! |
227. |
surprise | The surplus caused inventory to rise. |
It was a wonderful surprise to see you here. |
228. |
temperature | The temp, Ed, Realized Afterward that umpire Rick Equivocated. |
He had a temperature of 100.4 F. |
229. |
temporary | The temp Or Rick Ate Real Yogurt. |
Relax. This situation is only temporary. |
230. |
tendency | -ency |
tendancy |
231. |
therefore | -fore |
therefor |
232. |
threshold | one "h" in middle |
threshhold |
233. |
through | Just add 'hr' to tough to get through. |
He counted every number from one through 10,000. |
234. |
tomorrow | -m-, -rr- |
tommorow, tommorrow |
235. |
tongue | ton-, -gue |
tounge |
236. |
toward | I tow an ardvark. |
Never run toward danger. |
237. |
tries | Just switch the 'i' and 'r' in tires to get tries. |
He tries so hard, but he rarely succeeds. |
238. |
truly | Tom Really Understands Libby's Yeti. |
I truly appreciate your help. |
239. |
twelfth | The twin elf thought about it. |
He worked until the twelfth of the month. |
240. |
unforeseen | -re- |
unforseen |
241. |
unfortunately | -ely |
unfortunatly |
242. |
until | To spell until, just think untile without the 'e.' |
He worked until the twelfth of the month. |
243. |
unusual | Unused, Uni Asked Larry for a loan. |
It's unusual to duplicate sentences, but sometimes it's called for. |
244. |
using | Using is just like use, but replace the "e" with "ing." |
I don't like using a computer. |
245. |
usually | usu was his ALLY. |
He usually arrives early. |
246. |
vicious | no "s" in middle |
viscious |
247. |
village | It takes two "l's" to spell village. |
It takes a village to solve problems. |
248. |
weather | -ea- |
wether, waether |
249. |
weird | Moving the "e" turns wired into weird. |
That man was weird. |
250. |
welcome | WE Love communists from MEndecino. |
Welcome to the jungle. |
251. |
wherever | one "e" in middle |
whereever |
252. |
whether | wh- |
wether |
253. |
Whether, weather | Heather likes cold whether, whether or not anyone else does. |
Whether I want to accept it or not, the weather will soon turn to snow. |
254. |
which | wh- |
wich |
255. |
writing | To write writing, just drop the 'e' and replace with 'ing.' |
As of this writing, the information is correct. |