The while-do-done loop is used to test a condition before the execution of the block of commands contained inside the loop. The command block is executed if the test is successful and returns a true value. It may happen that the command block never executes if the test fails the very first time. The loop continues to execute as long as the condition remains true.
while condition
command block
The execution is as follows :
1. Commands in condition are executed.
2. If the return code of the last command in condition is 0 (true), execute command block.
3. Return to step 1.
4. If the return code of the last command in l condition is not 0 (false), skip to the first command
5. following the done keyword.
$ X = 1
$ while [ $X -le 10 ]
case do
echo hello X is $X
let X = X + 1