Lymph Circulatory System

Lymph Circulatory System

» The light yellow fluid found in the inter-cellular intervals between different tissues and cells is called lymph.
» Lymph is a fluid whose composition is like blood plasma, in which nutrient, oxygen and various other substances are present.
» The corpuscles found in lymph are called lymphocytes. In fact, these are White Blood Corpuscles (WBC).
» Lymph flows only in one direction from tissue towards heart.

Functions of lymph

1. The lymphocytes present in lymph helps to prevents the body from diseases by killing the harmful bacteria or other substances.
2. Lymph form the lymphocytes.
3. The node found in lymph vessels are called lymph node works as a filter in the human body.
4. Lymph helps in healing the wounds.
5. Lymph circulates different material from tissues to veins.