Basic General Knowledge
General Knowledge

Abbreviations start from C, D & E


Abbreviations start from C
CAA Civil Aviation Authority
CABE Central Advisory Board of Education
CAG Comptroller and Auditor General
CAPES Computer-Aided Paperless Examination System
CAZRI Central Arid Zone Research Institute
CBI Central Bureau of Investigation
CECA Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement
CFC Chlorofluoro Carbon
CID Criminal Investigation Department
CISF Central Industrial Security Force
CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
COFEPOSA Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Act
CPCB Central Pollution Control Board
CPRI Central Power Research Institute
CRR Cash Reserve Ratio
CSIR Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Abbreviations start from D
DAVP Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity
DDT Dichloro-Dlphenyl Trichloro-ethane (disinfectant)
DNA De-oxyribonuclelc Acid
DPSA Deep Penetration Strike Aircraft
DPT Diphteria, Pertussis and Tetanus
DRDO Defence Research and Development Organisation
DTH Direct-to-Home (broadcasting)
DVD Digital Versatile Disk
Abbreviations start from E
ECG Electro Cardiogram
EEG Electro-Encephalography
EET Exempt Exempt Taxation
ESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
EVM Electronic Voting Machine