Basic General Knowledge
General Knowledge

First in World

First in World

First man to reach South Pole Ronald Amundsen
First man to reach North Pole Robert peary
First country to print books China
First country to issue paper currency China
First men to climb Mt. Everest Sherpa Tenzing Norgay & Edmund Hillary
First country to start Civil Services Competition China
First President of United States of America George Washington
First Prime Minister of Great Britain Robert Walpole
First Secretary General of United Nations Trigve Li
First country to make education compulsory Prussia
First country to win the World Cup Football Uruguay (1930)
First country to make a constitution United States of America
Pakistan's first Governor General Mohammed Ali Jinnah
First European to visit China Marco Polo
First men to fly an aero plane Wright Brothers
First person to sail around the world Ferdinand Magellan
First country to send human to Moon United States of America
First country to launch satellite into space Russia
First country to host the modem Olympic games Greece
First President of the Republic of China Dr. Sun Yat-sen
First city to be attacked with Atom bomb Heroshima (Japan)
First Radio Telescope Satellite was launched into space Japan
First Russian (Soviet) Prime Minister to visit India V.I. Bulganin
First University of the world Taxila University
First man to set foot on the Moon Neil Armstrong (U.S.A.)
First man to go into space Major Yuri Gagarin (USSR)
First Space Shuttle launched Columbia
First Space Ship landed on Mars Viking-I (1976)
First Woman Prime Minister of England Margaret Thacher
First Woman Prime Minister of any muslim country Benazir Bhutto
First Woman Prime Minister of a country S. Bhandamayake (Sri Lanka)
First Woman cosmonaut in space Valentina Tereshkova ( USSR )
First Woman to climb Mt. Everest Junko Tabei (Japan)
First Woman President of UN General Assembly Smt. Vijayalakshmi Pandit
First Woman to reach the North Pole MS. Fran
First Woman to reach Antartica Caroline Michaelson
First Man to draw the map of earth Anexemander
First man to compile Encyclopaedia Aspheosis (Athens)
First Asian to win Wimbledon Trophy Arthur Ashe (U. S. A.)
First man to win Nobel Prize for Literature Rene F.A. & Sulli Pradhom (France)
First man to win Nobel Prize for Peace Jin F Dunant (Switzerland) & Frederic Peiry (France)
First man to win Nobel Prize for Physics W.K. Roentgen (Germany)
First man to win Nobel Prize for Chemistry J.H. Wenthoff (Howlland)
First man to win Nobel Prize for Medicine A.E. Worm Behrig (Germany)
First man to win Nobel Prize for Economics Rangar Fish (Norway) & John Tinbergen (Howlland)