Official Letters
Descriptive Writing

Letter to the Editor about water shortage

Letter to the Editor about water shortage

322, Begum Bagh,
August 10, 2019
The Editor
Indian Times,
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, we, the residents of Begum Bagh, wish to draw the attention of the authorities concerned to the severe water shortage that we have been experiencing.
Since the summer has set in, as usual we get water just for 30 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening. The amount of water barely comes to 100 litres a day. How can one cope with the supply so miserably low in quantity? The civic authorities often send tankers in order to provide temporary relief. But the supply of water by tankers is so inadequate that the residents often resort to capturing tankers forcibly. Such a situation has led to violence many a time resulting in loss of life on one occasion. The police have to be often summoned to quell the riotous situation. There is animosity among the residents who ironically belong to educated and elite class of the city.
The residents of the area have been clamouring for some permanent solution. Summer or winter, the problem is always there. Though in summer it gets more acute. In view of the above we would urge the administration to offer proper infrastructural planning to solve the problem.

The D.M. had promised last week that five thousand liter tanks will be set up all over the city. The tanks will be filled up at night by Municipal Corporation tanker to avoid wastage through spillage. The idea is laudable but no action has been taken so far. Though fortnight has passed and the summer is at its peak, there is no sign of construction of water tanks anywhere in the city. Water shortage is acute and is likely to worsen in the coming days.
Thanking you,
Yours truly,