Subjective Comprehension-X

Please study carefully the comprehension given below. The passages is followed by a set of questions choose the best answer to each question.

Throughout the century palanquin had a large part in Anglo-Indian life. It was the regular mode of conveyance from house to office, and on all small journeys of business or pleasure, and on long expeditions across country. With the growth of roads, carriages of various sort were used for afternoon airings, but the palanquin remained the essential means of transport within the settlements. Everyone down to the writer just arrived from England possessed a palanquin if he could.
The original palanquin was the dooly which was an ordinary string bedstead, five feet by two, covered with a light bamboo frame & draped with red curtains. From this the ornate palanquin of Calcutta and Madras was developed. First the shape was changed to that of a hexagon- Then the sides were raised, more ornament was added and the canopy was arched. Cushions were added inside, and curtains which could completely close the palanquin if desired. The occupant reclined at full length, and was often supplied with a specially designed hookah, at which he could puff as he was borne along to business.
In Calcutta, Oriyas were usually employed as bearers, but their monopoly was later broken by men from Patna and Dacca, the usual number in a set was seven, one cooking for the rest, one being the sirdar or head bearer. The actual carrying was therefore, done by five men. The palanquin bearers were very independent and on occasion went on strike.

Ques 1. What was the importance of palanquin in the past?
Ques 2. What was the original form of palanquin in the past?
Ques 3. Who broke the monopoly of palanquin bearer in Calcutta?
Ques 4. What shape was given to palanquin of Calcutta and Madras later on?
Ques 5. How many bearers were needed to carry palanquin?

Solution :
Ans 1. The palanquin was the regular mode of transportation for Anglo- Indians. They used it for going to office, journeys of business or pleasure, and even on visiting places across the country.
Ans 2. The original form of palanquin was like dooly, five feet by two. It was an ordinary string bedstead covered with a light bamboo frame with red curtains.
Ans 3. The labourers from Orissa were the bearers of these palanquins in Calcutta, But later on they were replaced by men belonging to Patna and Dhaka.
Ans 4. First the shape of the palanquin was changed to the figure of hexagon. I Then sides were raised and the canopy was arched. Cushions were also placed inside. It was made more comfortable.
Ans 5. Actually the palanquin needed five men to carry it. But the usual number of bearers were seven. One bearer was a cook and the other was a head-bearer. In fact seven bearers accompanied the palanquin.