Subjective Comprehension-XIV

Please study carefully the comprehension given below. The passages is followed by a set of questions choose the best answer to each question.

A recent report in newsweek says that in American colleges students of Asian origin outperform not only the minority group students but the majority whites as well. Many of these students must be of Indian origin, and their achievement is something we can be proud of. It is unlikely that these talented youngsters will come back to India, and that is the familiar brain drain problem. However, recent statements by the nation's policy makers indicate that the perception of this issue is changing. 'Brain bank' and not 'brain drain' is the more appropriate idea, they suggest, since the expertise of Indians abroad is only deposited in other places and not lost.
This may be so but this brain bank, like most other banks, is one that primarily serves customers in its neighborhood. The skills of the Asian now excelling in America's colleges will mainly help tine U.S.A. No matter how significant, what non-resident Indians do for India and what their counterparts do for other Asian lands is only a by-product.
But it is also necessary to ask, or be reminded, why Indians study fruitfully when abroad. The Asians whose accomplishments Newsweek records would have probably had a very different tale if they had studied in India. In America they found elbow room, books and other facilities not available and not likely to be available here. The need to prove themselves in their new country and the competition of an international standard they faced there must have cured mental & physical laziness. But other things helping them in America can be obtained here if we achieve a change in social attitudes, specially towards the youth.
We need to learn to value individuals & their unique qualities more than conformity and respectability. We need to learn language of encouragement to add to our skill in flattery. We might also learn to be less liberal with bt less tight fisted with appreciation, especially.

Ques 1. What is the benefit of the high level of competitions faced by Asian students in America?
Ques 2. What are the limitations which the brain banks have to face?
Ques 3. According to the author what do non resident Indians do for India?
Ques 4. What would be the ways of making the situation better in India?
Ques 5. What is the concept of brain bank according to the writer?

Solution :
Ans 1. High level of competition faced by Asian students in America bring out the best in them. Most of them are of Indian origin. They are able to give up mental and physical laziness.
Ans 2. The Asian talent in foreign countries is considered to be useful for the students of their own countries. But the writer does not agree to this concept because brain banks are likely to serve only those countries in which they are working.
Ans 3. Non-Resident Indians can not benefit India by their talents. Whatever they can do is insignificant. It is so because the country where they are studying is benefited most.
Ans 4. Indian students can do better in India also if we learn to value individuals and their unique qualities. They must be encouraged and it requires a change in our social attitude.
Ans 5. The flight of Indian talent was considered an evil in the form of brain- drain. The concept of brain-drain has undergone a change. Talented students working in foreign countries are considered a brain bank. They can be called back any time to take advantage of their skill and talent.