» Write a Program in C to print “Hello world”
» Write a Program in C to Print Integer enter by user
» Write a Program in C to Print the name Entered by the User
» Write a Program in c to Add two numbers
» Write a Program in C to multiply two floating point numbers
» Write a Program in C to find Odd or Even number
» Write a Program in C to Check enter year is a Leap year
» Write a Program in C to Compute Quotient and Remainder
» Write a Program in c to Swap two numbers
» Write a Program in C to find the greatest of three number
» Write a Program in C to find the area of circle
» Write a Program in C to find the volume and surface area of cube
» Write a Program in C to find the simple interest
» Write a Program in C to calculate sum of 5 subjects and find percentage
» Write a Program in C reverse a given number