C Programming
Computer Programming

C Program using structure to Calculate total payment of workers

Write C program to read the details of two workers and calculate total payment of workers using structure.

\* C Program using structure to Calculate total payment of workers *\

# include < stdio.h >
# include < conio.h >
struct   worker

char name[20] ;
int wage ;
int wdays ;

} ;

int   main( )

struct worker a, b ;
printf("\n Enter Details of First Worker\n") ;
printf(" -------------------------------\n") ;
printf(" Enter Worker Name : ") ;
scanf("%s",a.name ) ;
printf(" Enter Wage : ") ;
scanf("%d",&a.wage ) ;
printf(" Enter wdays : ") ;
scanf("%d",&a.wdays ) ;
printf(" -------------------------------\n") ;
printf(" Enter Details of Second Worker\n") ;
printf(" -------------------------------\n") ;
printf(" Enter Worker Name : ") ;
scanf("%s",b.name ) ;
printf(" Enter Wage : ") ;
scanf("%d",&b.wage ) ;
printf(" Enter wdays : ") ;
scanf("%d",&b.wdays ) ;
printf(" -------------------------------\n") ;
int p1=a.wage*a.wdays ;
printf(" Name of First Worker : %s\nPayment of First Worker : %d\n", a.name, p1 ) ;
printf("-------------------------------\n" ) ;
int p2=b.wage*b.wdays ; printf(" Name of Second Worker : %s\nPayment of Second Worker : %d\n", b.name, p2 ) ;
return 0 ;


Output of Program :

Output of C Program using structure to Calculate total payment of workers