C Programming
Computer Programming

Program in C insert & Display the element of an Array

Write a Program in c to Insert & Display the element of an Array

\* C Program to to Insert & Display the element of an Array *\

# include < stdio.h >
int   main( )

int   a[25], n, i  ;
printf(" Enter the Numbers of Array Element: ") ;
scanf("%d ", & n) ;
printf("\n Enter the Array Element : \n") ;
for (  i = 1 ; i < = n ; i++ )

scanf("%d ", & a[i]) ;

printf("\n Array Elements are : \n ") ;
for (  i = 1 ; i < = n ; i++ )

printf("\t %d ", a[i]) ;

return ( 0 ) ;


Output of Program :

Output of Program in C to Insert & Display the element of an Array