General English

Likes & Dislikes

One Word Substation based on Likes & Dislikes

Words One Word Substation
Sycophant One who is a boot licker, flatterer
Gourmet One who has keen interest in food and drinks
Philanthropy Love for mankind
Bibliophile Someone who loves collecting books
Anglophile One who loves and admires the British
Philanderer One who loves without seriousness
Philogyny Fondness towards women
Androphile One who loves men
Philosopher One who loves wisdom (hence pursues it)
Misandrist One who hates men
Andromania Madness or obsession with males
Misanthropist One who hates mankind
Patriot One who loves his country
Super patriotism Excessive love for one's country
Misogamist One who hates marriage
Loquacious One who loves to speak
Antipathy Strong, deep dislike
Sympathy Simultaneously affected by similar feelings
Empathy Mentally identifying oneself with other person or a thing
Pathetic Something or someone makes you feel deep sadness or pity
Monotheist One who believes in the theory of only one God
Theist One who believes in the presence of God
Polytheist One who believes in many Gods
Pantheist One who believes that God is union of all forces of the universe
Theomania Religious madness
Theomachy Battle among the Gods
Matrimony Related to marriage
Sologamy Marriage with self
Monogamy Practising only one marriage (having only one wife)
Bigamy Practising two marriages (having two wives)
Polygamy The practice of several marriages (having many wives)
Autogamy Self-fertilization especially in plants
Endogamy Marriage within one's tribe
Exogamy Marriage outside one's tribe
Polyandry Having several husbands