General English

Types of Fear

One Word Substation based on Types of Fear

Words One Word Substation
Acrophobia An extreme or irrational fear of heights
Aerophobia An irrational fear of fresh air or drafts of air
Autophobia Fear of being egoistical, alone or isolated
Algophobia Phobia of pain
Anorexia An emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat
Agoraphobia Phobia of open places
Bathophobia A persistent fear of depths
Bibliophobia Fear or hatred of Books
Chronophobia Fear of time
Cynophobia Fear of Dogs
Gynephobia Fear of Women
Gnosiophobia Fear of Knowledge
Gamophobia Fear of marriage, or getting in a relationship
Hodophobia An intense fear of Travelling
Haemetophobia Fear of Diseases
Logophobia Fear of Words
Nyctophobia An extreme fear of night or Dark
Pharmacophobia Fear of Medication
Thanatophobia Fear of Death
Ecophobia Fear of home surroundings
Zoophobia Fear of animals
Claustrophobia Fear of closed space
Hydrophobia Fear of Water
Xenophobia Fear or dislike of foreigners
Necrophobia Fear of dead body
Ophiophobia Fear of snakes
Syngenesophobia Fear of relatives
Nomophobia Fear of being without your mobile phone