General English

Cloze Test Passage - XX

In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered. The numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate words

Nations which have (1)....programmes of economic development often run into unsuspected barriers which threaten and often (2)....the (3)....needed growth of the economy. Industrialisation (4)....productivity fails to respond and the nations goals of rising standard of living for its people are (5)....

1. (a) decided (b) progressed (c) insisted (d) embarked (e) initiated
2. (a) activate (b) deteriorate (c) halt (d) cut (e) enlighten
3. (a) positively (b) hopefully (c) alarmingly (d) deceptively (e) deseprately
4. (a) falters (b) deviates (c) fluctuates (d) lowers (e) dissolves
5. (a) postponed (b) frustrated (c) suspended (d) criticised (e) fulfilled

Answers :
(1) (d), (2) (d), (3) (e), (4) (a), (5) (b).