General English

Words Denoting Places

Words Denoting Places

A place where birds are kept Aviary
A place where bees are kept Apiary
A place where pigs are kept Sty
A house of shelter for a dog Kennel
A house of shelter for a horse Stable
The dwelling place of an animal underground Burrow
A squirrel's home Drey
The resting place of a wild animal Lair
A residence for monks or priests Monastery
A residence for nuns Convent
A place where animals are slaughtered for the market Abattoir
A place for housing aeroplanes Hangar
A place where Government records are kept Archives
A place where atheletic exercises are performed Gymnasium
A place where treasures, stores, ammunition are hidden Cache
A place for storing grain Granary
A place where, leather is tanned Tannery
A place where money is coined Mint
A place where fruit trees are grown Orchard
A place where orphans are housed Orphanage
A place where water is collected and stored Reservoir
A place frequented for reasons of pleasure or health Resort
A place with gambling tables etc. Casino
A nursery where children of working parents are cared for while their parents are at work Creche
A place where plates, dishes, pots and other cooking utensils are washed up Scullery
The sleeping rooms in a college or public institution Dormitory
A portable case for holding papers, drawings etc. Portfolio
An ornamental glass bottle for holding wine or other alcoholic drinks Decanter
A case in which the blade of a sword is kept Sheath, Scabbard
A place for lunatics, and political refugees Asylum
A place for wrestling Arena
A place for ammunition and weapons Arsenal
A place for luggage at a railway station Cloakroom
A place for birds Cage
A place for wild animals and birds Menagerie
A place for provisions etc. in the house Pantry