General English

Words Denoting Groups

Words Denoting Groups

1. An alliance of states, powers etc.
2. An attendance/retinue of servants, persons.
3. An audience of listeners, hearers.
4. A band of musicians, followers.
5. A batch of pupils.
6. A battery of guns.
7. A bench of judges or magistrates
8. A block of houses or buildings.
9. A brood of chickens.
10. A brace of pigeons.
11. A board of directors.
12. A caravan of merchants.
13. A code of laws.
14. A cloud of locusts.
15. A cluster of islands.
16. A constellation of stars.
17. A course of lectures.
18. A course of lectures.
19. A grove of trees.
20. A catalogue of books.
21. A clique of persons belonging to a body.
22. A conference of preachers, delegates.
23. A congregation of worshippers.
24. A flight of birds/stairs.
25. A flotilla of boats.
26. A galaxy of stars, beauties.
27. A gallery of pictures, statues.
28. A herd of swans, cranes, swine, deer.
29. A host of people, reasons, considerations.
30. A hive (swarm) of bees.
31. A heap of ruins, stones.
32. A jumble of things.
33. A kennel of dogs.
34. A lock of hair.
35. An order of knights, monks.
36. A panel of inspectors, jurymen.
37. A rosary of beads.
38. A sea of troubles, difficulties, cares.
39. A string of pearls, beads, camels.
40. A suite of followers, rooms, furniture.
41. A syllabus of studies
42. A shoal of fish.
43. A sheaf of com, wheat.
44. A series of events.
45. A swarm of flies or locusts, bees, ants.
45. A school of thinkers, or learned men.
47. A syndicate of merchants.
48. A suit of clothes.
49. A team of players, horses, oxen.
50. A throng of people.
51. A torrent of abusive invectives.
52. A tuft of grass, hair.
53. A tissue of lies or crimes.
54. A union of states, tradesmen.
55. A volley of arrows, stones, abuses.
56. A world of cares, troubles.
57. A litter of young pigs, dogs, cats, brought forth at one birth.
58. A poultry of fowls, ducks etc.
59. A menagerie, Zoo of wild animals.
60. A congregation of religious group.
61. A troupe of artistes, dancers or acrobats.
62. A crew of sailors manning a ship.
63. An anthology of poems.
64. A chest of drawers.
65. A hamlet of houses in a village.
66. A claque of applauders i.e. paid to clap.
67. A truss of hay.
68. A bale of cotton.
69. A drove of cattle (being driven).
70. A herd of cattle (pasturing)