General English

Study Related

One Word Substation based on Study Related

Words One Word Substation
Aviation Study of flying aero planes
Astronomy Study of celestial bodies
Acoustics Study of sound and sound waves
Calligraphy Art related to ornate, good handwriting
Entomology Study of science of insects
Ecology Study of the relation between the organism and their environment
Genetics Study of hereditary, genes and variation in living organisms
Geology The study of rocks and soil
Geography Mapping of earth and its formation
Graphology Study of handwriting
Gerontology Study of various aspects of ageing
Hydraulics Study of the law of the flow of water and other liquids
Lexicography The practice of writing dictionaries
Numismatics Study of?collection of coins, tokens, paper money etc.
Ornithology Study of birds
Philology The study of languages
Palaeography The study of ancient writing and scriptures
Psephology Study of election trends
Theology Study of religion
Omnibus Book containing all the published work of an author
Telegraph A written message from far off place
Colloquial Informal, less grammatically rigid language
Circumlocution Talking around, a method of talking indirectly
Magniloquent Generous, forgiving talk
Eloquent Expressive in the use of words
Grandiloquent High sounding pompous speech or writing
Autograph A signature of a celebrity (signature of oneself)
Preamble Walk before-hand or an introductory statement
Biography Writing of one's life story
Autobiography Writing of one's own life story
Photograph Written by light
Laconic Few words packed with meaning, concise
Soliloquy A speech to oneself, alone