General English

Terms Related

One Word Substation based on Terms Related

Words One Word Substation
Solarium A place for the sun to enter where one can sunbath
Podium A place for feet or a speaker's platform
Auditorium The part of a theatre where people who are watching and listening sit
Planetarium An optical device for projecting various celestial images and effects????
Museum A place where objects are exhibited
Deciduous Trees whose leaves fall every autumn
Incident That which falls upon befalls happens
Accident That which falls to someone or something
Occidental That which falls on the western countries
Alma Mater The school or college one attends
Automobile A self-moving vehicle
Automatic A machine that functions by itself
Perambulator A baby carriage
Ambulance A carriage for sick people
Aeon Indefinite period of time
Aesthetics Appreciation of beauty, by a set of principles.
Blizzard Spartan snowstorms with uncontrollable winds?
Bonfire Huge fire for celebration
Bonsai Dwarfed varieties of trees and shrubs in pots
Hinterland The remote regions of a country which are far away from the rivers
Imbroglio Complex situation or a mix-up
Rejuvenate Make someone feel young
Remiss Not showing enough care and attention
Mundane Ordinary and Dull
Posthumous Published after someone?s death
Pedagogy The profession of teaching or the approach or style of teaching
Oath A person promises to tell the truth in court
Nascent Beginning to exist and evolve
Virtue Ethically good behaviour one has
Satire Humour that describes the weaknesses
Veer Changing the direction of one?s path suddenly
Savour Enjoy something for an extended time
Scapegoat Someone who is wrongly blamed for things that others have done
Tenacious Determined to achieve something
Screech The sound of Parrots:?
Misnomer Using a word or name that is inappropriate
Grunt The sound of Camels
Fiesta Events manifested by festivities
Whine The ranting of a person
Destitute People who are extremely poor
Carte blanche Absolute freedom to act as one wishes:?
Agony Extreme physical or mental sufferings
Aikido Japanese form of self-defence with the usage of locks holds
Laurel An accolade or honour bestowed in recognition for an achievement:?
Impeach Charging a politician with a serious crime
Embargo Government instructions that limit trade in some way?
Renegade A person who betrays and descents an organisation or country
Excommunicate One who is expelled from a religious community
Glutton A person who eats too much
Immitable Something which can be copied