Solarium |
A place for the sun to enter where one can sunbath |
Podium |
A place for feet or a speaker's platform |
Auditorium |
The part of a theatre where people who are watching and listening sit |
Planetarium |
An optical device for projecting various celestial images and effects???? |
Museum |
A place where objects are exhibited |
Deciduous |
Trees whose leaves fall every autumn |
Incident |
That which falls upon befalls happens |
Accident |
That which falls to someone or something |
Occidental |
That which falls on the western countries |
Alma Mater |
The school or college one attends |
Automobile |
A self-moving vehicle |
Automatic |
A machine that functions by itself |
Perambulator |
A baby carriage |
Ambulance |
A carriage for sick people |
Aeon |
Indefinite period of time |
Aesthetics |
Appreciation of beauty, by a set of principles. |
Blizzard |
Spartan snowstorms with uncontrollable winds? |
Bonfire |
Huge fire for celebration |
Bonsai |
Dwarfed varieties of trees and shrubs in pots |
Hinterland |
The remote regions of a country which are far away from the rivers |
Imbroglio |
Complex situation or a mix-up |
Rejuvenate |
Make someone feel young |
Remiss |
Not showing enough care and attention |
Mundane |
Ordinary and Dull |
Posthumous |
Published after someone?s death |
Pedagogy |
The profession of teaching or the approach or style of teaching |
Oath |
A person promises to tell the truth in court |
Nascent |
Beginning to exist and evolve |
Virtue |
Ethically good behaviour one has |
Satire |
Humour that describes the weaknesses |
Veer |
Changing the direction of one?s path suddenly |
Savour |
Enjoy something for an extended time |
Scapegoat |
Someone who is wrongly blamed for things that others have done |
Tenacious |
Determined to achieve something |
Screech |
The sound of Parrots:? |
Misnomer |
Using a word or name that is inappropriate |
Grunt |
The sound of Camels |
Fiesta |
Events manifested by festivities |
Whine |
The ranting of a person |
Destitute |
People who are extremely poor |
Carte blanche |
Absolute freedom to act as one wishes:? |
Agony |
Extreme physical or mental sufferings |
Aikido |
Japanese form of self-defence with the usage of locks holds |
Laurel |
An accolade or honour bestowed in recognition for an achievement:? |
Impeach |
Charging a politician with a serious crime |
Embargo |
Government instructions that limit trade in some way? |
Renegade |
A person who betrays and descents an organisation or country |
Excommunicate |
One who is expelled from a religious community |
Glutton |
A person who eats too much |
Immitable |
Something which can be copied |