General English

Cloze Test Passage - XIX

In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered . The numbers are printed below the passage and against each four words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate words

Many parents greet their children’s teenage years with needless dread. While teens (1)......assault us with heavy-metal music (2)......outlandish clothes and spend all (3)......time with friends, such behaviour (4)......adds up to full scale revolt. Teenage (5)......according to Psychologist Laurence Steinberg, has been (6)......exaggerated. Sociologist Sanford Dombusch agrees. “The (7)......that teenagers inevitably rebel is a (8)......that has the potential for great family (9)......”says Dornbusch. He believes the notion can (10)......communication during this critical time for parents to influence youngesters.

1. (a) can (b) must (c) may (d) should
2. (a) show (b) dress (c) put (d) flaunt
3. (a) her (b) his (c) their (d) our
4. (a) sporadically (b) always (c) infrequently (d) scarcely
5. (a) rebellion (b) subversion (c) mania (d) revolution
6. (a) always (b) never (c) greatly (d) hardly
7. (a) complaint (b) surmise (c) accusation (d) idea
8. (a) myth (b) story (c) fact (d) reality
9. (a) ruin (b) downfall (c) harm (d) defeat
10. (a) destroy (b) suffocate (c) damage (d) injure

Answers :
(1) (c), (2) (d), (3) (c), (4) (b), (5) (a), (6) (c), (7) (d), (8) (a), (9) (a), (10) (b).