General English

Cloze Test Passage - XXIIV

In the following sentences at certain points you are given a choice of three words one of which is most appropriate. Choose the best word out of the three . Mark the letter, viz, (a), (b) or (c) relating to this word on your answer sheet

One summer a Brazilian farmer took his donkey, pele, with him to town (1)....the market place, a small boy began (2)....Pele with a, stick and the donkey struck (3)....injuring the boy with a kick on the head. The police chief (4)....the farmer arrested. The (5)....wept so profusely in the jail cell that the police chief changed his mind and locked up the (6)....instead. The charge against the animal was attempt to murder.

1. (a) at (b) on (c) in
2. (a) teaching (b) tormenting (c) playing
3. (a) back (b) backward (c) forward
4. (a) has (b) ordered (c) had
5. (a) donkey (b) boy (c) farmer
6. (a) donkey (b) boy (c) farmer

Answers :
(1) (c), (2) (b), (3) (a), (4) (c), (5) (c), (6) (a).