General English

Words Denoting Comparisons

Words Denoting Comparisons

1. As blind as a bat.
2. As bitter as gall, hemlock.
3. As cheerful as a lark.
4. As cunning as a fox.
5. As fair as a rose.
6. As fast as a hare, light, storm, eagle.
7. As firm as a rock.
8. As flat as a board, or a pancake.
9. As free as the air.
10. As fresh as a daisy or a rose.
11. As grave as a judge
12. As greedy as a dog, or a wolf.
13. As gentle as a lamb.
14. As hard as a flint, or a stone.
15. As harmless as a dove.
16. As hungry as a hank, or a horse, or a hunter.
17. As light as a feather.
18. As merry as a cricket.
19. As obstinate as a mule.
20. As pale as death, or ghost.
21. As playful as a butterfly, or a kitten or a squirrel.
22. As proud as a peacock.
23. As slippery as an eel.
24. As soft as butter.
25. As silent as the dead, or stars.
26. As tricky as a monkey.
27. As true as steel.
28. As wise as a serpent or solomon.
29. As yielding as wax.
30. As agile as a cat, monkey.
31. As far apart as the poles.
32. As black as ebony.
33. As blithe as May.
34. As boisterous as stormy sea winds.
35. As bounteous as nature.
36. As brief as time as a dream.
37. As brittle as glass.
38. As candid as mirrors.
39. As chaste as Minerva.
40. As constant as the sun.
41. As cool as cucumber.
42. As cosy as the nest of a bird.
43. As dangerous as machine guns.
44. As deceptive as the mirage of the desert.
45. As docile as a lamb.
46. As fit as a fiddle.
47. As fresh as dew, as a sea breeze, rose.
48. As grim as death.
49. As haggard as spectres.
50. As harsh as truth.
51. As heavy as lead.
52. As inconsistent as the moon, as the waves.
53. As industrious as an ant.
54. As inevitable as death.
55. As mad as a hatter, as a March hare.
56. As mean as a miser.
57. As meek as a dove, mouse.
58. As nervous as a mouse.
59. As resistless as the wind.
60. As restless as ambition, as the sea.
61. As secure as the grave.
62. As slow as a snail.
63. As solitary as a tomb.
64. As talkative as a magpie.
65. As transparent as glass.
66. As treacherous as the memory.
67. As vain as a peacock.
68. As vigilant as stars.
69. As zig-zag as lightning.
70. As uncertain as the weather.
71. As white as snow.